In Memoriam - Lucian A. Spriggs, Jr.

Silent Keyboard - September 26th, 2008

Lu Spriggs, former Vice President of WACUG, and Director Emeritus, passed away on September 26th, 2008. Lu, who was 86, had moved to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina several years ago, and had a very active and happy life there, living with his niece and nephew.

For many years, Lu opened each WACUG meeting with an information exchange session, where he informed members of topics of computer interest he'd discovered since the previous meeting, handing around newspaper and magazine clippings, and software boxes from programs he'd found useful. Lu also wrote Spriggs' Web Sites, a monthly column for the group's Cursor newsletter, providing links to Internet web sites he'd found helpful or interesting on a broad range of topics.
9 Feb '02 - VP Lu Spriggs references the latest "Cursor" newsletter
17 August 2002