Previous WAC Meeting Topics

Details of Next Meeting: Feb 18th, 2012
3rd Saturday, February 18th at
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
4210 Roberts Rd., Fairfax, VA
Please - Click on the Amazon image below before a purchase - it will result in a donation to WACUG !!

Technology Radio Show - User Group Cruise Link

Digital Photography

Presentation by
Dan Feighery

Learn 30:
Protecting Private Information
with TrueCrypt
Presented by Lorrin Garson

Details of This Meeting
General Mtg Info / Maps

March 17th Meeting - Social Networking
Presentation by Abby Stokes
Learn 30: Goef Goodrum
2012 Consumer Electronics Show

OPCUG / WACUG Joint Meeting,
Saturday, February 18th, 1 PM
3rd Saturday

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
4210 Roberts Road,

Digital Camera interior

Digital Photography

Dan Feighery
OLLI Photograpy Club

Dan Feighery, member of WACUG and one of OLLI's premier photographers, will present “Digital Photography” at the February 18th joint meeting of OPCUG and WACUG. Dan's characterized this session as plowing the digital photo field “a mile wide and an inch deep.” He will discuss general concepts of digital cameras, including types and specifications, basic automatic picture taking and bundled software, the histogram, pixels and aspect ration. Other topics will focus on color management, white balance, and grain. Dan will also examine camera lens factors, such as focal length, crop factor, angle of view, zoom ratio, and depth of field. He'll tackle the exposure triangle – aperture, shutter speed, and chip sensitivity. Dan's previous offerings to the group have been knockouts – be sure not to miss this one!

Digital Camera interior

TrueCrypt key

TrueCrypt lock

Protecting Private Information with TrueCrypt

Presentation by
Lorrin Garson

Private information such as financial and medical records, personal correspondence and collections of passwords are highly vulnerable to theft unless such information is strongly encrypted. TrueCrypt ( is a free, open-source application that conveniently allows you to store any type of computer file on a virtual disk drive on your hard drive, thumb drive, CD or DVD. Installation and use of TrueCrypt will be demonstrated and characteristics of the software will be discussed.

General Mtg Info / Maps

Details of Next Meeting: Jan 21st, 2012
3rdd Saturday, January 21st at
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
4210 Roberts Rd., Fairfax, VA
Please - Click on the Amazon image below before a purchase - it will result in a donation to WACUG !!

FCPL Library Logo

Zoom tablet

The Public Library Today:
Interface and Edifice

Presentation by
Sam Clay
Director - Fairfax County Library

'Live' from Las Vegas -
Consumer Electronics Show 2012
Presented by Geof Goodrum
President, WACUG

Details of This Meeting
General Mtg Info / Maps

February 18th Meeting - Photography / Digital Imaging
Presentation by Dan Feighery
Learn 30: Lorrin Garson
Protecting Private Information with TrueCrypt

OPCUG / WACUG Joint Meeting,
Saturday, February 18th, 1 PM
3rd Saturday

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
4210 Roberts Road,

The Public Library Today: Interface and Edifice

Sam Clay, Director
Fairfax County Public Library

In the 21st century the public library provides an online interface with its community, while retaining its value as a place. We attract and serve all…preschool kids, retired people, ESL, entrepreneurs and more. Digital technology helps us be everywhere our users are.  But, public libraries are not new to the digital world. Our catalog has been computerized for almost two decades. Computers began by empowering our staff and now they empower our customers. You can browse our catalog from your iPhone, search online consumer and health information from your home and download eBooks and eAudiobooks to whatever device you own.  The future of the public library is in flux, but we remain essential to our communities – both virtual and real.

Edwin S. Clay, III has been the director of the Fairfax County Public Library (FCPL) since 1982. In this position, he manages all aspects of this 23-branch system, which has a budget of more than $29 million, more than 400 employees and more than 2.5 million books and materials.

Consumer Electronics Show 2012

Presentation by
Geof Goodrum

Geof has attended the CES for many years, and has kept our audience spell-bound with his reports and images of the latest, greatest technologies presented at one of the largest convention shows in the world. This year's show is expected to host more than 130,000 attendees.

General Mtg Info / Maps

Details of Next Meeting: Dec. 10th, 2011
2nd Saturday, December 10th at
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
4210 Roberts Rd., Fairfax, VA
Please - Click on the Amazon image below before a purchase - it will result in a donation to WACUG !!

Free Software Neon Sign


Maintenance Man

Free and Alternative Software

Webinar Presentation by
John Kennedy
Licking County Computer Society (Ohio)

Learn 30 - Introduction to Ubuntu
Presented by Geof Goodrum
President, WACUG

PC Clinic - Get Yours Fixed!
Help from Group Experts

Details of This Meeting       General Mtg Info / Maps

Free  Sign

Ubuntu Rocks

Maintenance Man

January 21st Meeting - Accessing Library Resources via the 'Net
Sam Clay - Fairfax County Library System
February 18th Meeting - Photography / Digital Imaging
Presentation by Dan Feighery

OPCUG / WACUG Joint Meeting,
Saturday, December 10th, 1 PM
2nd Saturday

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
4210 Roberts Road,

Free Software

Open Source

Yup, It's Free !

Free Software and Alternatives

by John Kennedy

John's presentation will share the many free programs he uses or recommends that take the place of popular "paid" programs. His motto is "try it, you might like it - especially the price!" And if his free software doesn't meet your needs, then he guesses you'll just have to pay the piper.

John comes from a background in teaching.  He taught first grade for 25 years and then finished up his teaching career with 10 years teaching computer skills to middle school students.  He began his involvement with computers way back in days when Atari rolled out the 400 system, and has been using them ever since.  He tried his hand at programming the Atari and decided that administrating/using computers was his area. His retirement project was to build his own computer.  Following retirement he continued working with computers by teaching computer skills to senior citizens and helping out many computer users through the local computer club, the Licking County (Ohio) Computer Society.

First as a teacher and then a retired individual (money limited in both areas), John is known around LCCS and senior citizen computer classes as "Free John".  John has made it a point to search out and find many free computer programs that meet his computer needs.  He even goes so far as using a free operating system (Linux/Ubuntu) along with Microsoft Windows (which is a paid program, but runs free software).

Free Potpouri

Computers w/ Ubuntu
Wanna Ubuntu?

Learn 30 - Ubuntu: A Free Operating System

Presented by Geof Goodrum

Geof Goodrum, Linux System Administrator since 1994, will demonstrate the latest version (11.10, a.k.a. Oneiric Ocelot) of the popular Ubuntu GNU/Linux Operating System (OS), including a sampling of the thousands of free software titles available, how to customize the system as you like it, and how to maintain your system. Geof will also review options for running GNU/Linux operating systems along with a Microsoft OS on the same computer, though you may find little reason to run another OS after using GNU/Linux!

Group Experts to Help

December's meeting will include our PC Clinic, in the Social Room Annex, where we try to help members of WACUG and OPCUG with their particular hardware and software problems.

At our clinic, user group experts can help with virus and spyware removal, hardware and software installations, including operating systems. You must contact us in advance to discuss your computer's symptoms, or advise what hardware or software you'd like help installing or troubleshooting. You must bring your laptop & power supply, or system unit - tower / desktop; monitors, keyboards, & mice are available. Please refer to the clinic ground rules, linked below, which provide an email address and phone number for contacting us in advance of the meeting so we can arrange the necessary expertise or special tools to help us help you with your system.

Clinic Rules

General Mtg Info / Maps

Details of Next Meeting: Nov. 19th, 2011
3rd Saturday, November 19th at OLLI
4210 Roberts Rd.
Fairfax, VA
Please - Click on the Amazon image below before a purchase - it will result in a donation to WACUG !!
Cloud Key

Computer Smoked!

Cloud Computing

Presentation by
Dennis Courtney
President, CPCUG

Learn 30 - Recovering from a Double Computer Failure
Presented by Lorrin Garson

Details of This Meeting       General Mtg Info / Maps
Cloud Cursor

Computer Failure Gal

OPCUG / WACUG Joint Meeting,
Saturday, November 19th, 1 PM
3rd Saturday

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
4210 Roberts Road,

In the Cloud

Cloud Computing Apps

More Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing

by Dennis Courtney

Confused about the cloud? Hear a “Plain-English” description of CLOUD technology - What it is and what it can do for you! Want to know what all the fuss is about? What about security risks? What does it offer for small businesses and individuals?

Computer expert Dennis Courtney will explain what you need to know to comprehend and to use the cloud. He will also compare some of the major cloud offerings so you can understand just what each vendor is providing, and can learn how to use the cloud.

Bring your colleagues, friends, and questions about the cloud.

Dennis Courtney is the president of the Capital PC User Group. Over the years he has held many other positions within the organization including that of chair of the Delphi (now the Programmers) SIG.

In his day job Dennis is an IT architect at the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). During his 20+ years at IDB, he has also run the data center, been a programmer for DOS- and Windows-based systems using client-server and Web-based technologies, and run a help desk supporting hundreds of end users.

Lightning Plug
Max Frustration

Learn 30 - Recovering from a Double Computer Failure

Presented by Lorrin Garson

How do you react when your computers die a sudden death in a power failure? On September 2nd the Garson family suffered a catastrophic failure of both their desktop computers. The steps to recovery will be described including: (a) dealing with the computers’ manufacturer, (b) communication challenges, (c) data recovery, (d) software recovery, and (e) the special challenges of Outlook. How do you survive information deprivation in the interim when “everything you know” is on the computer? How long did the recovery take? How much paranoia is sufficient? All will be revealed!

General Mtg Info / Maps

Details of Next Meeting: Oct 15th, 2011
3rd Saturday, October 15th at OLLI
4210 Roberts Rd.
Fairfax, VA
Please - Click on the Amazon image below before a purchase - it will result in a donation to WACUG !!


Linux / GNU Fundamentals
and Open Source Software

Presentation by
Geof Goodrum

Learn 30 - Wrestling with the iPad2
Presented by Bill Walsh

Details of This Meeting       General Mtg Info / Maps
Open Source Logo


OPCUG / WACUG Joint Meeting,
Saturday, October 15th, 1 PM
3rd Saturday

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
4210 Roberts Road,

GNU / Linux

Open Source Logo



GNU Linux & Open Source Software

by Geof Goodrum
President - WACUG

Geof Goodrum will present the fundamentals of the GNU/Linux operating system and Open Source software, provide tips on how to get started with GNU/Linux, and demonstrate both a specialty GNU/Linux operating system distribution that runs directly from a CD as well as the latest version of Ubuntu (v11.10, Oneiric Ocelot), one of the most popular general-purpose GNU/Linux distributions.

Geof is a veteran Linux user who began using GNU/Linux software in August 1994 at work to run file, web, and e-mail servers, network security monitoring, and dial-up network access as a system administrator, network administrator, and system architect, and uses GNU/Linux exclusively at home for a variety of specialized and general computing applications.


Learn 30 - Wrestling with the iPad2

Presented by Bill Walsh

The Apple iPad has made quite a splash since its introduction in April, 2010. On the heels of the great Apple system presentation by Stan Schretter at OLLI, Bill Walsh has had an iPad2 since June. He is ready to share the pros and cons of this unique device, showing off some of the many features, and giving everyone a general idea of what all the fuss is about.
General Mtg Info / Maps

Details of Next Meeting: Sep 17th, 2011
3rd Saturday, September 17th at OLLI
4210 Roberts Rd.
Fairfax, VA
Please - Click on the Amazon image below before a purchase - it will result in a donation to WACUG !!
Kathy Jacobs

Happy Customer Box

Tips and Tricks

Webinar Presentation by
Kathy Jacobs
President, APCUG

Learn 30 - Tech Smarts:
Getting What You Want,
Before and After the Sale
Presented by Gabe Goldberg

Details of This Meeting       General Mtg Info / Maps
PowerPoint 2010 Box

Gabe Goldberg

October 15th Meeting - Introduction to Linux
Presented by Geof Goodrum

November 19th Meeting - Cloud Computing
Presented by Dennis Courtney

December 10th Meeting - Free Software
Webinar Presented by John Kennedy, Licking County Computer Society
OPCUG/WACUG PC Clinic - Get Yours Working

January 21st Meeting - Accessing Library Resources via the 'Net
Sam Clay - Fairfax County Library System

OPCUG / WACUG Joint Meeting,
Saturday, September 17th, 1 PM
3rd Saturday

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
4210 Roberts Road,

PowerPoint Tips and Tricks

Webinar Presentation
by Kathy Jacobs
President - APCUG

Kathy will share some of her best tips and tricks for creating and presenting presentations using PowerPoint 2010. As a PowerPoint expert, she guarantees that if you use PowerPoint, you will learn from this presentation.

Topics to be covered include images, video, animations and effects, where to find great templates and themes, and much more. Who knows, you may even get to be a participant in “Stump the Expert!” (Not on Office 2010 yet? This presentation will likely convince you to convert!)

Kathy Jacobs is President of the Association of Personal Computer User Groups, and previously served as Vice President and a director. She regularly speaks at user group meetings around Arizona and around the US. She speaks at conferences on OneNote, Social Media, and APCUG whenever she can.

Kathy started in the computer world in high school. One of her first computer projects was to help build an Ohio Scientific computer. Soldering that machine led her to a career in computer software.

Kathy has always loved breaking software. (Some have even called her the “Beta Breaker”. Her fastest break came within in 10 seconds of installing something.) From that love of breaking software came a love also of explaining the problems and real uses of computers to regular users. This led her to the software training, writing, and speaking worlds.

Kathy currently works in the world of social media, where she is a social media geek who loves to connect people with who and what they need. She believes that the best way to build a user base is to make sure that the product being presented is the best it can be. Give people a good product and a good story to share and they will share it naturally.


Learn 30 - Tech Smarts: Getting What You Want, Before and After the Sale

Presented by Gabe Goldberg

Wrestling with ISPs, Cable Companies, Customer Support - the art of creative complaining!
General Mtg Info / Maps

OPCUG / WACUG Joint Meeting,
Saturday, August 20th, 1 PM
3rd Saturday

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
4210 Roberts Road,

Box o' Bits
Box o' Pieces

Nifty Bits and Pieces

Presentation by
Lorrin Garson

This presentation—for both beginners and geeks— will include a number of topics to enrich one’s computer experience. Topics to be covered are: (1) backup and restore (recovery), (2) the price of disk drives [a relevant diversion], (3) anti-virus and anti-malware software, (4) password management, (5) testing for compromised e-mail accounts, (6) security utilities, (7) other utilities, (8) updating device drivers, (9) PDF viewers, (10) Windows 7 keyboard shortcuts, (11) remote access, (12) Windows 7 tips, and (13) Windows 7 gadgets.


Learn 30: NOAA Websites

Presented by Geof Goodrum

Geof Goodrum will provide a tutorial about interesting web sites of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) - NOAA does a lot more than weather forecasts!

Details of Next Meeting: Aug 20th, 2011
3rd Saturday, August 20th at OLLI
4210 Roberts Rd.
Fairfax, VA
Box o' Pieces
Nifty Bits and Pieces:
Improve Your Computing Experience

Presented by
Lorrin Garson

Learn 30:
NOAA Web Sites:
Oceans, Atmosphere, and Weather
Presented by Geof Goodrum

Details of This Meeting       General Mtg Info / Maps
Box o' Bits

September 17th Meeting:
To Be Announced

Details of Next Meeting: Jul 16th, 2011
3rd Saturday, July 16th at OLLI
4210 Roberts Rd.
Fairfax, VA

 Cyber Crime

Acronis True Image 2011 Box

Don't Be A Victim:
Avoid On-Line Rip Offs

Presented by
Tom Polhemus
Financial Crimes Investigator
Fairfax County Police Dept.

Learn 30:
Using Acronis True Image
Presented by Neal Grotenstein

Details of This Meeting       General Mtg Info / Maps
Credit Card Scam

Hard Disk Drive

August 20th Meeting:
To Be Announced

OPCUG / WACUG Joint Meeting,
Saturday, July 16th, 1 PM
3rd Saturday

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
4210 Roberts Road,

Phising for Victims

Card Scammer


Don't Be a Victim:
Avoid Cyber Rip Offs

Presentation by
Tom Polhemus
Financial Crimes Investigator
Fairfax County Police Dept.

Learn how to protect yourself from on-line crime, Discover tips and principles to avoid being victimized by Internet banditos.

Hard Disk Drive

Acronis True Image Box

Learn 30: Using Acronis True Image
Presented by Neal Grotenstein


Details of Next Meeting: Jun 18th, 2011
3rd Saturday, June 18th at OLLI
4210 Roberts Rd.
Fairfax, VA
Please - Click on the Amazon image below before a purchase - it will result in a donation to WACUG !!

 iMac 27

 iMac 27

An Enthusiast's View
of the Apple iMac

Presented by
Stan Schretter

PC Clinic - Get Yours Fixed!
Help from Group Experts

Details of This Meeting       General Mtg Info / Maps

Open iMac

Maintenance Man

July 15th Meeting:
To Be Announced

OPCUG / WACUG Joint Meeting,
Saturday, June 18th, 1 PM
3rd Saturday

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
4210 Roberts Road,

iMac 27

iMac 27

iMac 27

iMac 27


An Enthusiastic User's View

Presentation by
Stan Schretter

“I am not an salesperson for Apple, but just a very pleased user and will discuss and demo that in some detail. I will focus on a few of the things that I believe are unique (as compared to Windows) to the Apple suite of integrated equipment (iMac, Macbooks, iPhone,--I do not have an iPad). These include but are not limited to: the quite inexpensive 27in iMac with its very high resolution display, the video conference tool - Face Time - whose unique algorithms works over almost any network (as opposed to Skype's video), the built in features of the Mac OS including but not limited to the very easy to use Time Machine backup (just plug in a USB drive and off you go!), etc, etc.”

Bio: Stan has been active with personal computers for over 40 years, starting out with single board computers with 1K of memory and graduating to the first commercial version of the IBM PC (no hard drive and only 256K of memory). Stan has developed free amateur radio related software apps for the PC that are used still used by thousands of hams worldwide. Stan currently operates both Windows and Linux servers in support of ham radio activities, and has several other Windows machines. But over the past few years all of his personal computing has migrated to Apple machines, except for one lonely Windows computer used by his wife Judy.

Happy Computer Repair

PC Clinic: Group Experts to Help.

June's meeting will include our PC Clinic, held in the social room annex, where we try to help members of WACUG and OPCUG with their particular hardware and software problems. You must contact us in advance to discuss your computer's symptoms or advise us what hardware or software you'd like help installing or troubleshooting.

At our clinic, user group experts can help with virus and spyware removal, hardware and software installations, including operating systems. You must contact us in advance to discuss your computer's symptoms, or advise what hardware or software you'd like help installing or troubleshooting. You must bring your laptop & power supply, or system unit - tower / desktop; monitors, keyboards, & mice are available. Please refer to the clinic ground rules, linked below, which provide an email address and phone number for contacting us in advance of the meeting so we can arrange the necessary expertise or special tools to help us help you with your system.

Computer Maintenance Guy

Clinic Rules

General Mtg Info / Maps

Details of Next Meeting: May 14th, 2011
2nd Saturday, May 14th at OLLI
4210 Roberts Rd.
Fairfax, VA

Firefox Browser

Skype Logo

Firefox & Thunderbird
Configuration, Tweaks & Add-ons

Presented by
Gabe Goldberg

Gabe Goldberg

Learn 30 Session
Getting Started with Skype Video
Presented by Bill Walsh & Paul Howard

Details of This Meeting       General Mtg Info / Maps

Thunderbird Email Client

Skype Grankid conference

OPCUG / WACUG Joint Meeting,
Saturday, May 14th, 1 PM
2nd Saturday

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
4210 Roberts Road,

Fox munches Exploder

Thunderbird Email Client Logo

Firefox 4 Logo

Firefox and Thunderbird:
Configuration, Tweaks, and Add-ons

Presentation by
Gabe Goldberg

As is true of most good software, free Firefox Web browser and Thunderbird email client work well installed with their default options. And they're respectively very capable supported alternatives to other browser/email choices.

But like most complex tools, a bit of learning and tweaking greatly improves their productivity and ease of use. This presentation tours both applications' flexible configuration options and describes extensive libraries of add-ins for both which extend and enhance performance, user interface, function, and capabilities.

Learn how to make these essential programs look and behave the way you want them to, and discover enhanced features you'll love.

Learn 30

Getting Started with
Skype Video Conferencing
Presented by Bill Walsh & Paul Howard

Skype Video Conference

Just because this looks like the 'wall of dubious distinction' from the Post Office, having a meeting or socializing via Skype is fairly easy, and can be fun! Join us for a brief discussion and demonstration on this technology that can be implemented very inexpensively - in fact, you may already have all you need!

General Mtg Info / Maps

Details of Next Meeting: Apr.16, 2011
3rd Saturday, April 16th at OLLI
4210 Roberts Rd.
Fairfax, VA

True Image Home 2011

Disk Director 11 Home

Organizing Your Hard Drive &
The Best Backup Plan to Protect your System from Failure

Presented by
Gene Barlow

Learn 30 Session
Gabe's Favorite Utilities
Presented by Gabe Goldberg

Details of This Meeting       General Mtg Info / Maps

Gene Barlow

Hard Disk

Gabe Goldberg

May 14th Meeting:
Configuring Firefox and Thunderbird Add-ons
By Gabe Goldberg

OPCUG / WACUG Joint Meeting,
Saturday, April 16th, 1 PM
3rd Saturday

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
4210 Roberts Road,

Acronis True Image 2011

Acronis Disk Director 2011

Gene & Linda Barlow

Organizing Your Hard Drive &
The Best Backup Plan to Protect your System from Failure

Live Webinar Presentation by
Gene Barlow, User Group Relations

Acronis recently released a new version of their partitioning product, Disk Director 11 Home, now with support for the Windows7 OS. With the large terabyte hard drives we have today, the need to set up & organize your hard drive is essential in order to take advantage of the additional space. It can be done very easily with Acronis Disk Director 11 Home.

Acronis True Image Home 2011, a new release just announced in August, is their backup and recovery product. This product provides the maximum flexibility to ensure that your computers' hard drive is adequately protected and can recover from any unforeseen events, such as hard drive failures, viruses or unstable software downloads. By having & implementing a well thought-out Backup and Recovery Plan, you can put your system together again fairly quickly, instead of days or weeks. This is an important topic that every PC User should implement on their computer.

The combination of one or both of these excellent hard drive utilities will give you the power to Organize Your Hard Drive for data safety in the event of a drive crash and Protect Your Hard Drive in case of a system failure.

Gene and Linda Barlow represent Acronis Software to the user group community. Gene has been a presenter in the user group community for over 28 years. For many years he managed IBM's user group support organization and has been called the Father of PC User Groups. Now retired, Gene started his own company called User Group Relations (, providing support to the user group community for the software companies he represents. He is an informative and easy to understand presenter. Don't miss this important presentation.

And, bring your checkbook - special user group pricing for software will be in effect at this meeting!

Learn 30

Gabe's Favorite Utilities
Presented by Gabe Goldberg

Life's too short to live it with just what's built into whichever Windows version you use! I'll talk about favorite utilities to enhance the Windows "experience" (as Microsoft insists on calling it). But everyone has a unique set of indispensable tools -- so come to the meeting prepared to highlight some of YOURS. Mine include:

Belarc Advisor -- inventories PC configuration, suggests fixes
BeyondCompare -- compares files to detect and reconcile differences
CaptureWizPro -- dynamite/flexible screen capture tool
ClickBook -- adds amazing print flexibility
Directory Printer -- fills a ridiculous gap in Windows function
FileLocator Pro -- finds files on hard drive
PPT Minimizer -- shrinks PowerPoint files
Rename -- renames files
Secunia Personal Software Inspector -- Free PC Security for Home Users -- shrinks URLs to tolerable size

Details of Next Meeting: Mar. 19, 2011
3rd Saturday, March 19th at OLLI
4210 Roberts Rd.
Fairfax, VA
Please - Click on the Amazon image below before a purchase - it will result in a donation to WACUG !!

ProShow Producer Screen

Pandora Internet Radio

ProShow Producer
Presented by
Dan Feighery

Learn 30
by Geof Goodrum

Pandora &
Internet Radio

Details of This Meeting       General Mtg Info / Maps

Livio Radio

ProShow Producer Box Shot

Pandora Radio

Details of Next Meeting: Feb. 19, 2011
3rd Saturday, February 19th at OLLI
4210 Roberts Rd.
Fairfax, VA
Please - Click on the Amazon image below before a purchase - it will result in a donation to WACUG !!

CES 2011

CES 2011

Day Two of CES 2011

Presented by
Geof Goodrum & Bob Rott

Learn 30

by Bill Walsh
HiDef Video Camcorder -
What Have I Gotten Myself Into?

Details of This Meeting       General Mtg Info / Maps

CES 2011

CES 2011

March 19th Meeting:
Digital Photography Presentation
By Dan Feighery
OLLI Photo Club

OPCUG / WACUG Joint Meeting,
Saturday, March 19th, 1 PM
3rd Saturday

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
4210 Roberts Road,

ProShow Producer


ProShow Producer:
Slides, Video, Sound

Presentation by
Dan Feighery

Dan Feighery (Coordinator for the OLLI Photography Club) will discuss a PC-only application called Proshow Producer. He will start by showing a seven minute DVD of last year’s Rolling Thunder Motorcycle gathering in Fairfax. This shows some of the things that you can do in your presentations. Dan will then use the application, demonstrating  some of the its functions for adding still images as well as video to your presentation and panning across images, zooming in, adding sound tracks, captions, and other functions.

Unlike other packages that make shows for you, taking away your control or drowning you in arcane options, Producer is designed to help you make a professional show without overwhelming you or taking away your creative freedom. You can create output for television, social media, computers and other options.

Learn 30
Pandora & Internet Radio

Can't find anything on the radio that fits your musical tastes, perhaps Christmas music in July? Interested in current events around the country or overseas? You don't need a subscription radio service or shortwave radio. The Internet features tens of thousands of stations streaming an enormous variety of music, talk and news programming from around the world. Whether using a PC, a smart phone, or an Internet appliance, this Learn 30 session will help you find Internet Radio Stations that meet your needs. If that weren't enough, we'll also take a look at Pandora's Music Genome Project, which allows you to create custom streaming music stations and discover new artists based upon samples of music you already like.
General Mtg Info / Maps

OPCUG / WACUG Joint Meeting,
Saturday, February 19th, 1 PM
4th Saturday

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
4210 Roberts Road,

Day Two of the
Consumer Electronics Show 2011

Presentation by
Geof Goodrum & Bob Rott

Geof has attended the CES for many years, and has kept our audience spell-bound with his reports and images of the latest, greatest technologies presented at one of the largest convention shows in the world. This year's show drew more than 130,000 attendees. Bob Rott will offer his impressions, after several years of attending the show.

Learn 30
Hi-Def Consumer Video Cam

Bill Walsh will discuss a consumer-oriented, flash-memory-based high definition camcorder, showing some of the pros and cons of this marvelous new technology. Besides the compact size, reduced weight, and long running time of the camera, the new technology of higher definition videos, random access of scenes, and other features make for a great video and still photo experience. However, with greater video definition comes a new standard for media storage, which will be talked about. There is also the unknown factor of the effect of long term usage of flash memory, which will also be discussed
General Mtg Info / Maps

Details of Next Meeting: Jan. 22nd, 2011
4th Saturday, January 22nd at OLLI
4210 Roberts Rd.
Fairfax, VA
Please - Click on the Amazon image below before a purchase - it will result in a donation to WACUG !!

CES 2011

CES 2011

A View of CES 2011

Presented by
Geof Goodrum

Celebrate With Us !!

Party Follows Presentation

Party Balloons, Hats, Noisemakers

Two Years -
Joint Meetings of

Pizza, Drinks & Snacks

Details of This Meeting       General Mtg Info / Maps

CES 2011

CES 2011

February 19th
Highlights of the
2011 Consumer Electronics Show

OPCUG / WACUG Joint Meeting,
Saturday, January 22nd, 1 PM
4th Saturday

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
4210 Roberts Road,

A View of the
Consumer Electronics Show 2011

Presentation by
Geof Goodrum

Geof has attended the CES for many years, and has kept our audience spell-bound with his reports and images of the latest, greatest technologies presented at one of the largest convention shows in the world. This year's show drew more than 130,000 attendees.

General Mtg Info / Maps

Details of Next Meeting: Jan. 22nd, 2011
4th Saturday, January 22nd at OLLI
4210 Roberts Rd.
Fairfax, VA
Please - Click on the Amazon image below before a purchase - it will result in a donation to WACUG !!

True Image Home 2011

Disk Director 11 Home

Organizing Your Hard Drive &
The Best Backup Plan to Protect your System from Failure

Presented by
Gene Barlow

Celebrate With Us !!

Party Follows Presentation

Party Balloons, Hats, Noisemakers

Two Years -
Joint Meetings of

Pizza, Drinks & Snacks

Details of This Meeting       General Mtg Info / Maps

Gene Barlow

Hard Disk

Hard disk

OPCUG / WACUG Joint Meeting,
Saturday, January 22nd, 1 PM
4th Saturday

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
4210 Roberts Road,

Acronis True Image 2011

Acronis Disk Director 2011

Gene & Linda Barlow

Organizing Your Hard Drive &
The Best Backup Plan to Protect your System from Failure

Live, In-Person Presentation by
Gene Barlow, User Group Resources

Acronis just released a new version of their partitioning product, Disk Director 11 Home, now with support for the Windows7 OS. With the large terabyte hard drives we have today, the need to set up & organize your hard drive is essential in order to take advantage of the additional space. It can be done very easily with Acronis Disk Director 11 Home.

Acronis True Image Home 2011, new release just announced in August, is their backup and recovery product. This product provides the maximum flexibility to ensure that your computers' hard drive is adequately protected and can recover from any unforeseen events, such as hard drive failures, viruses or unstable software downloads. By having & implementing a well thought-out Backup and Recovery Plan, you can put your system together again fairly quickly, instead of days or weeks. This is an important topic that every PC User should implement on their computer.

The combination of one or both of these excellent hard drive utilities will give you the power to Organize Your Hard Drive for data safety in the event of a drive crash and Protect Your Hard Drive in case of a system failure.

Gene and Linda Barlow represent Acronis Software to the user group community. Gene has been a presenter in the user group community for over 28 years. For many years he managed IBM's user group support organization and has been called the Father of PC User Groups. Now retired, Gene started his own company called User Group Relations (, providing support to the user group community for the software companies he represents. He is an informative and easy to understand presenter. Don't miss this important presentation.

And, bring your checkbook - special user group pricing for software will be in effect at this meeting!

General Mtg Info / Maps

Details of Next Meeting: Dec 11th, 2010
Saturday, December 11th at OLLI
4210 Roberts Rd.
Fairfax, VA
Click on the Amazon image below before a purchase - it will result in a donation to WACUG

Tech Fundamentals

Ransom Note

Maintenance Man

Fundamental Technologies, Part II

Presented by
Gabe Goldberg

Learn 30:
Laptop Theft -
Prevention, Protection & Pain
Presented by
Lorrin Garson

PC Clinic - Get Yours Fixed!
Help from Group Experts

Details of This Meeting       General Mtg Info / Maps

Technoloby Overload

Laptop Thief

Maintenance Man

January 22nd
Gene Barlow: Organizing Your Hard Drive
& The Best Backup Plan to Protect your System from Failure

Technology Overload

Laptop Thief

Happy Computer Repair
OPCUG / WACUG Joint Meeting,
Saturday, December 11th, 1 PM

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
4210 Roberts Road,

Fundamental Technologies
(Part Two)
Presented by
Gabe Goldberg

Technology advances faster than the eye or mind can follow, but what tools and practices do 21st century people (from novices to experts) really require? This presentation provides important but easy-to-forget tips and resources for online and computing productivity / safety, aiming at retirees, employees, freelance workers, work-at-homers, and essentially everyone. It covers procedures, opportunities, suggestions, and pitfalls for hardware, software, networks.

Learn 30: Laptop Theft -
Prevention, Protection & Pain
Presented by Lorrin Garson

Worldwide, well over a million laptop computers are lost or stolen annually, about three-quarters of a million in U.S. airports alone. What tidbits of wisdom can be passed on to potential victims of laptop theft? (Don’t worry, U.S. nuclear missile launch keys might be safe, trust me!) What behaviors are risky? What should you do to minimize the loss? What can be done to protect your privacy? What steps can be taken to recover the computer? Once upon a time, not so long ago, in the heart of Barcelona, Spain…

Group Experts to Help

December's meeting will include our PC Clinic, in the Social Room Annex, where we try to help members of WACUG and OPCUG with their particular hardware and software problems.

At our clinic, user group experts can help with virus and spyware removal, hardware and software installations, including operating systems. You must contact us in advance to discuss your computer's symptoms, or advise what hardware or software you'd like help installing or troubleshooting. You must bring your laptop & power supply, or system unit - tower / desktop; monitors, keyboards, & mice are available. Please refer to the clinic ground rules, linked below, which provide an email address and phone number for contacting us in advance of the meeting so we can arrange the necessary expertise or special tools to help us help you with your system.

Clinic Rules

Web Site        Map

Unlocking Technology

Laptop Thief

ransom note

Computer Maintenance Guy

Details of Next Meeting: Nov. 20th, 2010
Saturday, November 20th at OLLI
4210 Roberts Rd.
Fairfax, VA
Rob Pegararo
Setting Up a New
Home Computer

Presented by
Rob Pegoraro
Washington Post Technology Columnist

PC Tower

Meeting Postponed / Pegoraro Substituted for Gabe Goldberg
November 20th WACUG / OPCUG Meeting

Meeting at OLLI - TA1
-3rd Saturday !!

Favorite Utilities
Presentation by Gabe Goldberg & Paul Howard

Life's too short to live it with just what's built into Windows -- no matter which Windows version you use! Gabe will talk about some of his favorite utilities, selected from these:

CaptureWizPro -- dynamite/flexible screen capture tool
BeyondCompare -- compares files to detect and reconcile differences
Directory Printer -- fills a ridiculous gap in Windows function
PPT Minimizer -- shrinks PowerPoint files
Belarc Advisor -- inventories PC configuration, suggests fixes
FileLocator Pro -- finds files on hard drive
Rename -- renames files -- shrinks URLs to tolerable size
ClickBook -- adds amazing print flexibility

Paul will talk about PowerDesk 8 Profesional, a file manager for Windows.

Dec 11th
Gabe Goldberg: Fundamental Technologies, Part Two
PC Clinic- Get Yours Fixed!

January 22nd
Gene Barlow: Organizing Your Hard Drive
& The Best Backup Plan to Protect your System from Failure

Details of Next Meeting: Oct. 16th, 2010
Saturday, October 16th at OLLI
4210 Roberts Rd.
Fairfax, VA
Technology Overload

Windows Home Server

Fundamental Technologies
Presented by
Gabe Goldberg

Learn 30:
Benefits of a Home Server
Presented by
Lorrin Garson
Unlocking Technology
HP MediaSmart Server

Technology Guru

HP MediaSmart Server

Windows Home Server
October 16th WACUG / OPCUG Meeting

Meeting at OLLI - TA1
-3rd Saturday !!

Fundamental Technologies
Presentation by Gabe Goldberg

Technology advances faster than the eye or mind can follow, but what tools and practices do 21st century people (from novices to experts) really require? This presentation provides important but easy-to-forget tips and resources for online and computing productivity/safety, aiming at retirees, employees, freelance workers, work-at-homers, and essentially everyone. It covers procedures, opportunities, suggestions, and pitfalls for hardware, software, networks.

Learn 30: Benefits of a Home Server

Presented by Lorrin Garson

Increasingly many families now have two, three or more desktop and/or laptop computers. Linking these computers in some meaningful way, sharing information among users and devices, and maintaining multiple computers (especially backup) presents a significant challenge and a market for devices and technology to meet this need.

Networks and servers have long meet this essential need in the workplace. However, until a couple years ago, these technologies have been too expensive and complex for home use. Numerous companies now offer home servers running Microsoft’s Windows Home Server operating system. These systems are easy to implement and maintain in a home environment.

These home servers provide a rich set of functions, including…

1. Automatic backup of both Windows and Apple home computers.
2. Restoration of backed up files as well as restoration of entire computer systems.
3. Sharing digital files across the home network, including word-processing files, photos, movies, music, etc.
4. Worldwide access to home computers and files via the Internet.
5. Centralized storage of the family’s electronic information with appropriate privacy.

This presentation will include a “demonstration” of the Hewlett-Packard’s MediaSmart Server, with emphasis on backup and recovery of home computers.

Details of Next Meeting: Sept. 18th, 2010
Saturday, September 18th at OLLI
4210 Roberts Rd.
Fairfax, VA
Database Design
Building a Simple Database
Presented by
Walter Fraser

Learn 30:
Using Document Styles
Presented by
Geof Goodrum
Database Design

Oct 16th
Fundamental Technologies
Presented by Gabe Goldberg
HP Home Server - Lorrin Garson


September 18th WACUG / OPCUG Meeting

Meeting at OLLI - TA1
-3rd Saturday !!

Building a Simple Database
An Introduction to Access 2007
Presentation by Walter Fraser

Access2007 is a Relational Database Management System, i.e., a RDBMS. Probably the most widely used RDMBS program, Access was still last on Microsoft Office Professional 2007 box list of programs. Access was listed after Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and Publisher.

Many Access users may believe that it was listed last because it had the hardest task. Access was developed to support designing, building and managing meaningful, flexible, editable databases. This is a more difficult task than that faced by any of the other programs on the list.

But Aristotle is said to have written: We learn how to do a thing by doing that which we wish do when we have learned it, we become builders by building.

This brief review of Access2007 will focus on the initial steps required to design and implement a sensible, flexible and robust name and address listing in Access2007. The review is offered in hopes that it will provide a good starting place for beginners as well as opportunity for amplification by those better informed than the presenter.

At the very least, it is to be hoped that even users, sensible enough to let others do the work required to develop the databases for them, will become better informed users of the databases they do use.

Learn 30: Document Styles

Learn how to take the tedium out of formatting your word processing documents by using the built-in styles feature. WAC member Geof Goodrum will use Writer to show how using styles can make your documents look more professional, and automate building table of contents, captioning figures and tables, and creating numbered section headings. These techniques are also applicable to Microsoft Word.

August 21st, 2010
Roboform Box
Computer Genealogy -
Getting Organized to Get Started
Presented by
Chuck Roberts

Learn 30:
Roboform Password Manager
Presented by
Paul Howard
Family Tree

Sept 18th
Building a Simple Database - Walter Fraser
Document Styles - Geof Goodrum

Genealogy Research
Family Tree
August 21st WACUG / OPCUG Meeting

Meeting at OLLI - TA1
-3rd Saturday !!

Computer Genealogy
- Getting Organized to Get Started
Presentation & Description by Chuck Roberts

Genealogy is a popular computer project, especially as the user population ages. Wanting to know more about your family history seems to almost be universal as we age.

There are numerous genealogy programs in the marketplace, and there are multiple opinions as to which is the "best" to use. But I refuse to join that debate — there is no obvious winner. However, what I plan to present to the audience is some of the insight and tools I have found that helps a researcher organize their collected materials, which helps to show them what's missing, and what they need to be looking for.

Data organization is paramount when looking at a three foot stack of paper! Regardless of whether the stack contains census records (prints of microfilm), death certificates, headstone tracings or maps and photos, my tools, handouts and samples will help any researcher view a better picture of what they have and what they need to be looking for.

Roboform motto
Roboform Password Manager

August's 'Learn 30' topic will be a discussion of Roboform, a solution for conveniently accessing the many passwords you need to navigate the on-line world. Roboform stores user ids and password information in encrypted files. Paul Howard will demonstrate how this inexpensive program can vastly increase the safety of your online accounts. As its name implies, the program will also complete many standard forms automatically, and generates secure passwords with minimal effort.

Special Door Prize Raffle
Prizes include Windows 7 Ultimate, Windows 7 Home Premium, Microsoft Digital Imaging Suite, USB to Serial adapter, Laptop computer case, USB keyboard vacuum, USB WiFi adapter, Acronis True Image 10, Acronis Disk Director 10, more.

Details of Next Meeting: July 17th, 2010
Saturday, July 17th at OLLI
4210 Roberts Rd.
Fairfax, VA
iPhone vs. Blackberry iPod Touch

Handheld Devices:
iPod Touch, Blackberry Tour, iPhone
Presented by
Tom Hady, Thom Clements, Ernestine Meyer

Learn 30: Zip Files, Mouse Repair
Neal Grotenstein

Blackberry Tour 9630

Aug 21st
Building a Simple Database; RoboForm Password Manager

iPod Touch
Blackbery Tour
July 17th WACUG / OPCUG Meeting

Meeting at OLLI - TA1
-3rd Saturday !!

Handheld Devices:
iPod Touch, Blackberry Tour, iPhonne

On Saturday, July 17th, the OLLI PC User Group will offer three presentations on hand-held devices. Tom Hady will discuss and demonstrate the iPod Touch – music and video player, game machine, email device, computer using Apps from the Apple Store – in short, it's got everything – but the phone!

OLLI's Executive Director Thom Clement will share his impressions of the Blackberry Tour, model 9630. The Blackberry Tour is considered “top of the line” among the Blackberry models. It is considered a “smart phone” because it can multi-task: search and view web pages on the Internet; communicate via multiple email accounts; send/receive text and picture messages; take pictures and videos and share them; use GPS technology to get directions, view maps, or locate specific addresses, businesses, or landmarks; and make and receive phone calls internationally. Blackberries are best known for the ease with which you can receive and send emails. The Tour model uses the full QWERTY keyboard with small push buttons. This is the primary reason Thom chose the Blackberry rather than one of the touch-screen smart phones.

Ernestine Meyer will demonstrate and discuss the iPhone, which has provided a buzz (and huge profits) for Apple that its computers haven't been able to achieve in more than 25 years.

A “Learn 30” session will feature discussions of the use of Zip files, and “mouse” maintenance. Presentations begin in TA1 at 1 PM. Join us at 12:30 for drinks and snacks in the social room.

Details of Next Meeting: June 19th, 2010
Saturday, June 19th at OLLI
4210 Roberts Rd.
Fairfax, VA

Protecting Your Data!
Presented by
Lorrin Garson

PC Clinic:
Help from Group Experts

July 17th
Handheld Gadgets:
iTouch, Blackberry, iPhone

Sick Computer

Where's the WAC doc??

June 19th WACUG / OPCUG Meeting

Meeting at OLLI - TA1
-3rd Saturday !!

Protecting Your Data!
Presented by Lorrin Garson

Protecting private information and securing your identity are increasingly important. Countless computers are intruded upon daily and an estimated 600,000 laptop computers are stolen annually. With modest effort, private information can be protected using simple procedures with strong encryption. At the June 19th meeting, Lorrin will discuss two encryption software packages, Cypherix ( and TrueCrypt ( He'll also demonstrate of downloading, setting up, and using TrueCrypt.

Group Experts to Help

June's meeting will feature our PC Clinic, where we try to help members of WACUG and OPCUG with their particular hardware and software problems.

At our clinic, user group experts can help with virus and spyware removal, hardware and software installations, including operating systems. You must contact us in advance to discuss your computer's symptoms, or advise what hardware or software you'd like help installing or troubleshooting. In most cases, you must bring your complete system: CPU, monitor, keyboard, mouse. Please refer to the clinic ground rules, linked below, which provide an email address and phone number for contacting us in advance of the meeting so we can arrange the necessary expertise or special tools to help us help you with your system.

Clinic Rules

Details of Next Meeting: May 22nd, 2010
Saturday, May 22nd at OLLI
4210 Roberts Rd.
Fairfax, VA
Movie Making

Learn How to Convert VHS Tapes to DVDs
Become a Movie Producer in An Afternoon
Presented by Kurt DeSoto

"Learn 30"
Keyboard Shortcuts
Iobit Advanced System Care
Presented by Chuck Roberts

June 19th
PC Clinic:
Help with PC Troubles

July 17th
Handheld Gadgets:
iTouch, Blackberry, iPhone


May 22nd
WACUG / OPCUG Joint Meeting

Meeting at OLLI - TA1
- 4th Saturday !!

"Learn 30" - Keyboard Shortcuts;
Iobit Advanced System Care

On May 22, 2010, at the WACUG / OPCUG meeting to be held at OLLI's Tallwood Campus, located at 4210 Roberts Road, Fairfax, VA, Chuck Roberts will discuss saving energy by using Keyboard Shortcuts - learn how to avoid feeding your hungry mouse! He'll also talk about Advanced System Care - a free PC maintenance tool for Windows PCs.

Learn How to Convert VHS Tapes to DVDs
Become a Movie Producer in An Afternoon

Article & Presentation By Kurt DeSoto

If you are like me and invested a lot of time and effort videorecording family events and vacations or school activities over the years, you probably have stacks of VHS tapes deteriorating in boxes or shelves in your closet. And you probably would like to share them with your children or your grandchildren before the tapes become completely unplayable and, more importantly, without boring your family with a 2,400-hour movie marathon

My recommendation on how to achieve your goals is to convert those tapes to DVDs, make multiple copies, and then distribute the DVDs to family and friends to view on their own schedule. With the DVDs in hand, they will also have the flexibility to rip them and edit them as they wish, perhaps to delete their most embarrassing moments (or to send them to America's Funniest Videos). Heck, you need some rationalization for experiencing all those "live" events with one eye behind a viewfinder!

And in these economic times, you might prefer to do make these DVDs at a reasonable price. Indeed, sending your tapes to one of the many professional conversion companies could cost a fortune; professional conversions can run up to $50 per tape!. (For representative information, visit;; ). And there is always a risk that the company might not do a great job or, worse, ruin or lose your irreplaceable tapes.

WACUG member Kurt DeSoto will discuss various options and recommendations for storing and converting your VHS tapes to DVDs on your own for as little as 50 cents a copy. He will also give a live demonstration of one option using a combo VHS/DVD combo recorder so that you can become a movie producer practically overnight . . . or at least in time for next year's Oscar nominations. And for those who are interested, Kurt will also be happy to begin rolling his own family's 2,400-hour movie marathon right after the presentation, starting with the first videos he shot when his son was a toddler over 23 years ago. Bring your own popcorn, though , , , and a sleeping bag.

Details of Next Meeting: Apr. 17th, 2009
Saturday, April 17th at OLLI
4210 Roberts Rd.
Fairfax, VA
About Those Electronic Book Readers
Presented by Lorrin Garson

"Learn 30"
Defragging Your Computer
Tweak Your Mouse
Presented by Neal Grotenstein

May 22nd
Become a Movie Producer in an Afternoon:
Converting VHS Tapes to DVDs

June 19th
iTouch, Blackberry, iPhone

Kindle 2

B&N Nook

Kindle 2

April 17th
OPCUG / WACUG Joint Meeting

Meeting at OLLI - TA1
- 3rd Saturday !!

"Learn 30" - Defragging Your Hard Drive / Mouse Tweaks

WACUG will meet on Saturday, April 17th, from 1:00 to 3:30 at Tallwood. Neal Grotenstein will discuss how to use the defragging capabilities in Windows to improve the performance of your computer's hard drive. He'll also discuss some useful tweaks for your pointing device (mouse / trackball), to make it easier to use.

About Those Electronic Book Readers
Presented by Lorrin Garson

There are approximately two dozen electronic book readers now on the market. In the United States, the most common devices are the (a) Amazon Kindles, (b) Barnes & Noble Nook, (c) Sony Readers, and soon, probably, (d) Apple iPads. The characteristics of these e-book readers will be discussed. In order to understand the dynamics of e-book reader development and competition, the following related topics will also be covered: (a) major stakeholders in e-books, (b) the source of material for e-books, (c) file formats used by e-books, (d) alternate means of electronic delivery, (e) the negative and positive attributes of e-book readers in general, and (f) factors consumers should consider in selecting an e-book reader.

Sony Reader

FoxIt Reader Box

Cute PDF

Secunia Updates

32 vs 64 bits
Useful Software:
RoboForm, Foxit Reader
& CutePDF Writer
Presented by Paul Howard

Secunia PSI -
For the Updates You Forgot
Presented by Chuck Roberts & Jorn Dakin

"Learn 30"
32 Bit Vs 64 Bit Systems
Presented by Bill Walsh

Roboform Logo


32 vs 64 Bit

Foxit Reader

CutePDF Writer

Secunia updates

March 20th
OPCUG / WACUG Joint Meeting

Meeting at OLLI - TA1
- 3rd Saturday !!

"Learn 30" - Why 64 Bits?

OPCUG, OLLI's PC User Group, will meet on Saturday, March 20, from 1:00 to 3:30 at Tallwood. A varied offering is on tap this month. Bill Walsh will present a "Learn 30" session explaining the differences between 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems.

Useful Programs Make Your PC Life Easier

Paul Howard will demonstrate CutePDF and FoxIT Reader, two popular alternatives to Adobe Reader for viewing and printing PDF document files. Paul will also demonstrate RoboForm, a utility to help you fill in forms on web pages, and more importantly, keep track of all your web site passwords.

Roboform Logo

You Need to Update !!

Chuck Roberts and Jorn Dakin will review Secunia Personal Software Inspector, free personal-use software recommended by security professionals to notify of and manage updates for all software installed on Windows PCs.

Secunia updates

PhotoShop Elements, V8
Presented by Chuck Roberts

Google Gmail
Is This the Web mail for You?

Presented by Geof Goodrum

PhotoShop Elements Box Shot

GMail Logo
February 20th
WACUG / OPCUG Joint Meeting

Meeting at OLLI - TA1
- 3rd Saturday !!

PhotoShop Elements, V8

Beginning with Version 2, WACUG has followed the evolution of the consumer-friendly image processing software, PhotoShop Elements, which is available for both Windows and Mac PCs. Chuck Roberts will take us on a tour of the latest version of Adobe® Photoshop® Elements v8.0, a powerful but user friendly application to manage and edit your digital photos. Chuck will also mention Photoshop Lightroom and the public beta of Lightroom 3.0. Since virutally no software provides meaningful documentation in the box anymore, Chuck will discuss some of the reference books he finds useful, as well as additional resources on the web to learn about and use these programs.

Google GMail

Geof Goodrum will demonstrate and discuss the features of Google's GMail web mail product, which can be used by anyone with a browser and Internet access.

Jan 16th
WACUG Meeting

Details of Next Meeting: Jan 16th, 2009
3rd Sat - Meeting at OLLI, TA1

Favorite, Useful Web Sites
Presented by Gabe Goldberg

Consumer Electronics Show - 2010
Tech Toys Galore - What's Coming?

Adventures in High Tech Heaven - Journey to Las Vegas with
WAC's Intrepid Reporter, Geof Goodrum

January 16th
WACUG / OPCUG Joint Meeting

Meeting at OLLI - TA1
- 3rd Saturday !!

Favorite Web Pages

Since the Web has billions or gazillions -- nobody really knows how many -- of individual pages, it's nearly impossible to find the "best" Web site for a given purpose. But Google searches often find gems because they rank pages by popularity: pages to which many sites link are deemed better than "orphan" pages not linked. Another way to find useful/interesting/fun pages is to share favorites with others. This presentation highlights Web sites one experienced Web traveler visits often. Bring your top Web sites to share with the audience too! Gabe Goldberg will be making this presentation of his current favorites.

2010 Consumer Electronics Show

Also on tap for January will be WAC's intrepid trade show reporter. Once again, Geof Goodrum will regale us with the latest technology offerings from the 2010 Consumer Electronics Show, held annually in Las Vegas, just after opening of the New Year. Come and hear about all the latest gizmos and gadgets, giant TVs, and electronic bells and whistles.

Dec 12th
WACUG Meeting

Details of Next Meeting: Dec 12th, 2009
2nd Sat - Meeting at OLLI, TA1
Meeting Time Line

Wireless Networking
& Security - Hands-On!

PC Clinic:
Help from WAC Experts
Home Networking
Home Networking

Home Networking
Home Networking
Sick Computer
Where's the WAC doc??
December 12th WACUG Meeting

Meeting at OLLI - TA1
- 2nd Saturday !!

Wireless Networking and Security:
Setup - Hands-On!

Chuck Roberts will discuss Home Wireless Networking installation and security with a hands-on, step by step, demonstration of how to do it – showing the live screens of the router and PC networking setups. We suggest checking for September's slide show of the background for December's demo.

Group Experts to Help

December's meeting will feature our PC Clinic, where we try to help members of WACUG and OPCUG with their particular hardware and software problems.

At our clinic, user group experts can help with virus and spyware removal, hardware and software installations, including operating systems. You must contact us in advance to discuss your computer's symptoms, or advise what hardware or software you'd like help installing or troubleshooting. In most cases, you must bring your complete system: CPU, monitor, keyboard, mouse. Please refer to the clinic ground rules, linked below, which provide an email address and phone number for contacting us in advance of the meeting so we can arrange the necessary expertise or special tools to help us help you with your system.

Clinic Rules

"Learn 30" Session
Presented by Neal Grotenstein

Be safer on the 'Net with a User Account
Instead of an Admin Account

Most people just use an Admin account for their computer. Convenient but risky. An Admin account permits all Windows capabilities to be used. This includes s/w installs, be they legit, Spam or worse. Since a User account won't allow much s/w installation, a User account is a reasonable way to prevent undesirable software from being installed. There are very few drawbacks to using a User account. One example is that an Admin account is needed to change the system clock setting, which is rarely performed. This discussion will cover what this aproach offers and does not offer.

Details of Next Meeting: Nov. 21st, 2009
Saturday, November 21st at OLLI
4210 Roberts Rd.
Fairfax, VA

Holiday Shopping -
Internet Style

Presented by
Geof Goodrum
& Bill Walsh

Admin or User?
"Learn 30" Session by Neal Grotenstein

November 21st, 2009
12:30 - 3:30 PM
Joint Meeting with OPCUG
4210 Roberts Rd, Fairfax

Holiday Shopping -
Internet Style

Presented by:
Geof Goodrum & Bill Walsh

Internet Shopping Tools and Skills
Geof Goodrum

With "Black Friday" and the holiday shopping season upon us, now is a great time to sharpen your online shopping skills. From clothing to tech gifts and charitable giving, whether you prefer to purchase online or in the stores, start by comparing prices, finding professional and owner reviews and ratings, and locating the nearest and best rated stores for gifts. You can also create online wish lists to help others find just the right item for you, instead of just another gift card that gets lost in the wrapping.

eBay: Your Alternative Thrift Store
Bill Walsh

This online giant has evolved over the last several years from an auction-only enabler to a center for many types of auction and non-auction transactions.

This presentation deals strictly with the buying side of the equation. Some basic information about creating an account, searching for items, and bidding will be discussed, as well as the all-important tips on what you need to look for to make the transaction a success.

Many articles are not old, used items. The selling community includes many businesses that use eBay to sell factory-new products. You can search by keyword match or category, and can even create and save searches that eBay checks daily, sending you e-mails when a matching item goes up for sale.

The presentation provides a solid basis for at least a tentative look at this online resource, which can provide its share of inexpensive goodies.

"Learn 30" Session
Presented by Neal Grotenstein

Be safer on the 'Net with a User Account
Instead of an Admin Account

Most people just use an Admin account for their computer. Convenient but risky. An Admin account permits all Windows capabilities to be used. This includes s/w installs, be they legit, Spam or worse. Since a User account won't allow much s/w installation, a User account is a reasonable way to prevent undesirable software from being installed. There are very few drawbacks to using a User account. One example is that an Admin account is needed to change the system clock setting, which is rarely performed. This discussion will cover what this aproach offers and does not offer.

Details of Next Meeting: Oct. 17th, 2009
Saturday, October 17th at OLLI
4210 Roberts Rd.
Fairfax, VA

Photography -
Digital Basics

Presented by
Dan Feighery
OLLI Photo Club

Continued from Sept.
More TV / PC Convergence
by Geof Goodrum

October 17th, 2009
12:30 - 3:30 PM
Joint Meeting with WACUG
4210 Roberts Rd, Fairfax

Digital Photography -
Basics in the Camera

Presented by:
Dan Feighery

At our October meeting, Dan Feighery, who is the OLLI Photography Club coordinator, will discuss digital photography. This presentation will focus on understanding some of the things that will help you make a better digital photograph in the camera, as opposed to fixing it later in a photo editing program. Included will be getting the right exposure, understanding the triangular relationship across the sensitivity of the camera sensor, what can be in focus, and freezing motion.

Other important digital camera basics such as crop factor, digital vs. optics zoom, color temperature, dynamic range, and use of the histogram, in taking the picture will also be covered. Results of a real-world test will show the impact of relatively minor changes in exposure on captured details in black and white elements of an image, as well as how layers can be used in photo editing to produce a composite image with proper exposure throughout. Some basic elements of visual design, often useful in composing the picture before snapping the shutter, will be illustrated. Also included will be consideration in choosing a “point and shoot” vs. a digital single lens reflex (DSLR) camera.

TV / PC Convergence (continued from Sept)
Geof Goodrum will demonstrate watching TV shows and movies for free over the Internet from such sites as Fancast and Hulu. This is a great way to catch up on TV shows you (or your video recorder) might have missed. If you are a member of online video services such as Netflix, you can also watch selected movies on your PC over the Internet.

Saturday, September 19th at OLLI
4210 Roberts Rd.
Fairfax, VA
WiFi Logo
TiVo Series 3
Hulu Service
TV and PCs

Presented by
Rod Zumbro, Geof Goodrum,
& Paul Howard

"Learn 30" Session
Home Wireless Networking:
Setup & Security

Presented by Chuck Roberts

Including: Networking TiVo
Blu-Ray Disc
Net Flix Logo
Fan Cast Logo
TV on PC via Antenna

September 19th, 2009
12:30 - 3:30 PM
Joint Meeting with WACUG
4210 Roberts Rd, Fairfax

Convergence: TV and Personal Computers

Presented by:
Rod Zumbro, Geof Goodrum &
Paul Howard

Rod Zumbro will discuss how you can watch Netflix movies on your TV with Netflix-enabled devices such as a digital video player and some Blu-Ray disc players, game consoles, digital video recorders, home theater systems, and HDTVs. Netflix streaming allows you to watch some 12,000 movies and TV shows (free with regular Netflix subscriptions) of the 100,000 DVDs available from Netflix via postal mail.

OLLI member Rod Zumbro, has a Blu-Ray disc player connected to a small bridge device that accesses his home’s wireless network. Rod will explain equipment options and set-up, Netflix streaming, picture and sound quality, picture size, etc.

Geof Goodrum will demonstrate watching TV shows and movies for free over the Internet from such sites as Fancast and Hulu. This is a great way to catch up on TV shows you (or your video recorder) might have missed. If you are a member of online video services such as Netflix, you can also watch selected movies on your PC over the Internet.

Paul Howard will demonstrate and discuss watching and recording over-the-air broadcasts or cable TV on your personal computer.

Learn 30 Session: Home Wireless Networking
Wireless home networking has now evolved into a commodity business for several companies like Cisco, through Linksys, Geek Squad and Best Buy stores, but what are the basics for connecting a few devices like computers and printers and then sharing an Internet connection? What equipment is required and how is it all connected?

After it's installed, how do you secure your network to prevent drive-by hacking or to protect your idenity and your private personal data?

Now that you have your networking, how would you connect your multiple Tivos to your network and move recordings between receivers so you can watch any recorded program on any Tivo?

Windows7 Box

Windows 7
Operating System

Presented by
Mark Mabee

Learn 30 Session
Skype 4.1
Presented by Bill Walsh
Mini-Webinar by Gene Barlow
Acronis True Image Q&A
Windows7 Box

August 15th, 2009
12:30 - 3:30 PM
Joint Meeting with WACUG
4210 Roberts Rd, Fairfax

Microsoft Windows 7 Operating System

Presented by:
Mark Mabee, IT Network Pro

Curious about what the upcoming Microsoft Windows 7 operating system will look like? About its new features? About whether you can look forward to using it effortlessly after suffering through or working around the Microsoft Vista operating system?

Then join us on Saturday, August 15th, 2009, as Mark Mabee shares the fun of exploring the Windows 7 "release candidate" and investigating the capabilities of the next Microsoft Windows operating system, which is now scheduled to be available October 22, 2009.

Speaker: Mark Mabee, an IT network professional, is a long-time member of the Capital PC User Group. He has been the featured presenter at a number of CPCUG events and has handled technical questions during pre-presentation Q&A sessions at other events.

Note: Those who want to try out the release candidate of Windows 7 must download the code by August 15, 2009:

There is no charge for this pre-release Windows operating system. Once the code is downloaded, it may be installed later. You may also get additional product keys after August 15.

Learn 30 Session: Skype 4.1
Bill Walsh will examine some of the basics of this Internet communications service, that allows video chats between two PCs.

Gene Barlow will provide a mini-webinar, answering questions about Acronis True Image Home, presented at the July Meeting

True Image Home 2009 July 18th
WACUG Meeting

Details of Next Meeting: July18th, 2009
3rd Sat - Meeting at
4210 Roberts Rd, Fairfax
Meeting Time Line

Backing Up Your
Hard Drive using
Acronis True Image
Home 2009

Presented by
Gene Barlow
User Group Resources

"Learn 30" Session - Digitizing Your Slides
Presented by Tom Hady

Hard drive internal view

Acronis True Image

July 18th, 2009
12:30 - 3:30 PM
Joint Meeting with WACUG
4210 Roberts Rd, Fairfax

Back Up Your
Hard Drive with
Acronis True Image
Home 2009

Webinar Presented by
Gene Barlow, User Group Resources

Gene Barlow has been a presenter in the user group community for 25 years. Now, thanks to online innovative communications, Gene will be presenting a live Webinar at our next general meeting. The Webinar will provide you with an active view of his presentation, allowing you to see and hear his slide presentation, see his software products demonstrated live and ask questions and receive live answers at the meeting.

Gene’s topic is “Backing Up Your Hard Drive” using Acronis True Image Home 2009. Make sure you are adequately protected and can recover from any unforeseen events such as viruses, unstable software downloads, and hard drive failures by having a well thought-out backup plan. Having a good backup system is essential in order to put your system back together again in a few minutes, not days or weeks. This is an important topic that every PC User should implement on their computer. Don’t miss this meeting.

And, bring your checkbook - special user group pricing for software will be in effect at this meeting!

Meeting Notice - Beginning
January, 2009
Membership Dues
Special Rate Announcement
June 20th
WACUG Meeting

Details of Next Meeting: June 20th, 2009
3rd Sat - Meeting at
Fairfax County Gov't Center
Meeting Time Line

Nintendo Wii & Playstation 3:
Just for Kids?

Presented by
Chuck Roberts &
Geof Goodrum

Playstation 3

Nintendo Wii

June 20th, 2009
12:30 - 3:30 PM
Joint Meeting with OPCUG
Conf Rm 2/3,
Fairfax County Gov't Center, Fairfax

Nintendo Wii &
Playstation 3:
Just for Kids??

Chuck Roberts will introduce us to Nintendo’s system. While the Wii is not all that popular among hard-cord gamers, it is one of the most popular gaming consoles available. In fact, many industry pundits have pinioned that the Wii is vastly over rated. So what makes it so popular among families, seniors, and lots of young folks? Come see for yourself as Chuck brings his Wii to provide a demonstration (and possibly challenges members to a match) — are you up to the challenge?

Geof Goodrum will bring the group up-to-date on the Playstation 3. The Playstation Store (online) now has downloadable movies and TV shows for purchase and rent (many in HD). You can store and view these from the PS3 hard disk. Playstation Home is a virtual 3D world to explore. Meet and talk with other PS3 users around the world, view videos, play games, and customize your virtual self (avatar) and online living space. Purchase virtual items.

The PlayTV DVR (Dual Tuner HD) accessory is not available in the US, yet. Bummer!

For Geof, the PS3 is a winner because you can run alternate operating systems on the PS3, such as Yellow Dog or Ubuntu Linux. Ths system will run applications such as the OpenOffice suite on your TV. It will use USB and network peripherals. Other strengths: Create and manage a digital media library - share media across a network with other DLNA devices. Rip CDs to several audio formats. Upload and catalog digital video. PS3 has a native web browser built-in. Play DVDs and Blu-ray discs. Supports progressive mode and upscaling, SD to 1080p resolution.

Unlike the Wii, the PS3 doesn't have a big library of fitness/personal enrichment type titles. Most are sport or fight/war games. There are a several puzzle and creative games, which will be demonstrated as time permits.

Meeting Notice - Beginning
January, 2009
Membership Dues
Special Rate Announcement
May 9th
WACUG Meeting

Details of Next Meeting: May 9th, 2009
2nd Sat - Meeting at OLLI@GMU
Meeting Time Line

A Little PC Cleaning
Pays Off

Presented by
Gabe Goldberg

PC Clinic: Help for
Computer Woes!

May 9th, 2009
12:30 - 3:30 PM
Joint Meeting with OPCUG
4210 Roberts Road, Fairfax

A Little PC Cleaning
Pays Off

In addition to physically cleaning your PC, a little occasional effort scrubbing its operating system, hard drive, applications, and data files will pay off with improved performance, reliability, and system life. Gabe Goldberg will describe and demonstrate easy cleanup steps and highlight two books about PC housekeeping. Gabe’s presentation will be broadcast (video and audio) to the folks participating in the PC Clinic.

Sick Computer

Computer Clinic:
Help with Hardware, Software

Clinic Location - Social Room Annex

WACUG's May meeting will feature our computer clinic. You must call in advance to discuss your computer's symptoms, or advise what hardware or software you'd like help installing or troubleshooting. You must bring these system components: CPU, keyboard, mouse, power cable, networking cable (RJ45). Monitors will be available on site - however, if your trouble is related to video performance, you should bring your monitor. Troubleshooting services available only for members of WAC and OPCUG.

Computer Clinic ground rules.

Meeting Notice - Beginning
January, 2009
Membership Dues
Special Rate Announcement
Apr 18th
WACUG Meeting

Details of Next Meeting: April 18th, 2009
3rd Sat - Meeting at OLLI@GMU
Meeting Time Line

Internet Browsers:
Alternatives to
"Comes w/ Windows"

Presented by
Geof Goodrum & Bill Walsh

"Learn 30" Session - Spreadsheets:
Still a Killer App?

Demo by Mel Mikosinski



FireFox Logo

Opera Logo

Chrome Logo

April 18th, 2009
Joint Meeting with OPCUG
4210 Roberts Road, Fairfax

Internet Browsers
Alternatives for the Web

Geof Goodrum and Bill Walsh will discuss and demonstrate several alternatives to the "packaged with Windows" browser for the Internet. Learn about Opera, Google Chrome, and Mozilla's Firefox. April’s meeting will be held jointly with OPCUG at 4210 Roberts Road in Fairfax, on Saturday, 4/18, from 12:30 to 3:30 PM.

"Learn 30" Session: Spreadsheet Basics w/ Excel 2003 /07
Presented by:
Mel Mikosinski

Dip your toe into the world of spreadsheets. Once the "killer app" of personal computers, this software can be overlooked because of all the single purpose applications, and Internet hype out there.

Photoshop Elements 7 Box
Meeting Notice - Beginning
January, 2009
Membership Dues
Special Rate Announcement
Mar 21st
WACUG Meeting

Details of Next Meeting: Mar 21st, 2009
3rd Sat - Meeting at OLLI@GMU
Meeting Time Line

Photoshop Elements 7
Photoshop Light Room 2

Presented by Chuck Roberts

"Learn 30" Session - Email Basics
How Do I Really Make It Work?
Demos, and Extended Q&A.

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 Box

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 Box

Photoshop Elements 7 Box

March 21st, 2009
Joint Meeting with OPCUG
4210 Roberts Road, Fairfax

PhotoShop Elements 7
PhotoShop Lightroom 2

March’s meeting will be held jointly with OPCUG at 4210 Roberts Road in Fairfax, on Saturday, 3/21, from 12:30 to 3:30 PM. Some wags have been calling this location “Chuck’s Road” - so, to solidify the connection, our intrepid editor Chuck Roberts will be presenting Adobe’s Photoshop Elements 7 and Light Room image and photo manipulation software products.

Chuck will demonstrate and discuss Photoshop Elements 7 and Photoshop Lightroom 2. Both of these products were released as upgrades and Chuck will discuss and demonstrate some enhancements. He will also explain how they are different and show us how they are each used.

He will also give us an overview of High Dynamic Range (HDR) photography.

"Learn 30" Session: Email - Basics and More: Extended Q&A session
Presented by:
Paul Howard & WAC experts

Expanding on January's session, we'll try and cover some of the many questions our previous meeting generated. Bring your email "trials" and queries - we'll try to help with answers or approaches to help you solve those nagging issues.

Meeting Notice - Beginning
January, 2009
Membership Dues
Special Rate Announcement
Feb 21st
WACUG Meeting

Details of Next Meeting: Feb 21st, 2009
3rd Sat - Meeting at OLLI@GMU
Meeting Time Line

Tech Toys Galore - What's Coming?
Consumer Electronics Show - 2009

Geof Goodrum and Bob Rott Recount Their Adventures in High Tech Heaven - Another Journey to Las Vegas by WACUG's Intrepid Videographer Reporters

Digital TV Follies: I've Got the #1&%*$ Converter Box - Now What Do I Do?

Live Hook Up of Converter Box - How to get DTV on those old extra sets without paying for cable. Better picture than ever!

"Learn 30" Session - Email Basics

How Do I Really Make It Work? Demos, and Extended Q&A.

February 21st, 2009
Joint Meeting with OPCUG
4210 Roberts Road, Fairfax

The 2009
Consumer Electronics Show

For several years, WACUG's intrepid Las Vegas convention center explorers have braved the wilds of one of the largest trade shows in the world. Once again, Geof Goodrum and Bob Rott will present video and images they captured at the show, and tell us what's on the Tech horizon that they think will be so cool we'll have to have at least one in every color!

Digital Converter Box:
Now What - How do I hook it up?
Presented by:
Paul Howard

Member of OLLI & WACUG

This presentation will feature a live demonstration of hooking up Digital TV converter boxes. While many folks have their primary televisions served by satellite, cable, or FiOS service, what about those TV sets in spare bedrooms, home office, etc.? You don't have to spend $300+ on a new set, or have new cable runs and additional subscription fees to get a better picture than you ever received before over-the-air. Learn about converter box choices, antennas, and more. Bring your flash drive (thumb drive, keychain drive) to get copies of an extensive collection of digital TV information.

"Learn 30" Session: Email - Basics and More: Extended Q&A session
Presented by:
Paul Howard & WAC experts

Expanding on last month's session, we'll try and cover some of the many questions our previous meeting generated. Bring your email "trials" and queries - we'll try to help with answers or approaches to help you solve those nagging issues.

Meeting Notice - Beginning
January, 2009
Membership Dues
Special Rate Announcement
Jan 17th
WACUG Meeting

Details of Next Meeting: Jan 17th, 2009
3rd Sat - Meeting at OLLI@GMU
Meeting Time Line

"Learn 30" - Email
Amazon's Kindle:
An Electronic Book Reader

January 17th, 2009
Joint Meeting with OPCUG
4210 Roberts Road, Fairfax



"Learn 30" Session: Five Things You Have To Know About Email

Amazon's Kindle:
An Electronic Book Reader
Presented by:
Lorrin Garson

Member of OLLI & WACUG

The Amazon Kindle is an electronic book reader for which approximately 190,000 book titles and a dozen magazines and newspaper subscriptions are available from The device is about the size and weight of a paperback and sells for $359. Books are priced, on the average, at about $9.00 per title, although many are available for considerably less. The device itself holds approximately 200 books and a SD memory card, which can be added, will hold about 750 books per gigabyte capacity (a 32 GB card would hold 24,000 books!). Books, newspapers and magazines may be purchased online using the Kindle itself or a computer. Purchases are delivered wirelessly to the Kindle generally within 1-2 minutes employing a cell-phone technology called Whispernet. The device uses E-Ink electronic paper technology on a 6” diagonal display with 600 x 800 pixel resolution at 167 ppi with 4-level gray scale. Text size is adjustable in six sizes. Graphics are displayable in black and white only.

The device can be fully recharged in about two hours. With wireless access turned off, a charge lasts 20-30 hours and if wireless access is turned on about half that time. The Kindle can be attached to a computer via a USB port and Kindle documents can be backed-up on the computer. Amazon also stores items purchased as a backup. Word documents and photos can be e-mailed to the Kindle at an extra charge. Many blogs from numerous areas-of-interest can be downloaded.

The Kindle is full-text searchable across the device itself as well as the installed SD card. Searching can be done across documents on the Kindle, in Wikipedia, and across the World Wide Web as well. Bookmarks and annotations can be made, which are stored for future use. The device comes with a built-in English dictionary that provides for easy look-up.

The Kindle will not be the ultimate electronic book reader or even the penultimate, but it is an outstanding technical accomplishment that is gaining wide acceptance in the marketplace.

If you are unable to attend the January 17th meeting, Lorrin will also offer this presentation at January 28th's NCTCUG meeting, at 7 PM in Arlington.

Future Meeting Notice
January, 2009
Membership Dues
Special Rate Announcement
Dec 13th
WACUG Meeting

Details of Next Meeting: Dec 13th, 2008
2nd Sat - Meeting at Fairfax County Gov't Center
Meeting Time Line

PC Clinic:
Help from WAC Experts
"How To" Videos -
Computers & Technology

Sick Computer
Where's the WAC doc??
December 13th WACUG Meeting

Meeting at Fairfax County Gov't Center
- 2nd Saturday !! Rm 1/2

How To Videos for Computers and Gadgets

December's meeting will feature our PC Clinic, where we try to help our members with their particular hardware and software problems. We'll start this meeting off with a short program on protecting your computer, particularly from some of the perils on the internet.

At our clinic, WAC experts can help with virus and spyware removal, hardware and software installations, including operating systems. You must contact us in advance to discuss your computer's symptoms, or advise what hardware or software you'd like help installing or troubleshooting. In most cases, you must bring your complete system: CPU, monitor, keyboard, mouse. Please refer to the clinic ground rules, linked below, which provide an email address for contacting us in advance of the meeting so we can arrange the necessary expertise or special tools to help us help you with your system.

Clinic Rules

A simultaneous learning session will feature video presentations on these "How To" topics:

  • Wipe Private Data from Old Drives
  • Reset Your Net Connection
  • Extend Your iPod's Battery Power
  • Retrieve a Window's Password
  • SetUp Multiple Monitors
  • Recover Images Deleted from your Camera
  • Reinstall Windows XP
  • Save Money on Printing
  • Retrieve a Deleted File
  • Attempt to Salvage Wet Gadgets

12:30 PM to 3:30 PM at the Fairfax County Government Center,
12000 Government Center Parkway, Fairfax, Virginia (
click here for directions)

[Rainbow Rule]

Future Meeting Notice
January, 2009
Membership Dues
Special Rate Announcement

November 22nd
WACUG Meeting

Details of Next Meeting: Nov 22nd, 2008
4th Sat - Meeting at Fairfax County Gov't Center
Meeting Time Line

Meeting Topics
Microsoft Virtual Earth
$elling on eBay - What's Involved

Presented by Bob Mason

November 22nd WACUG Meeting

Meeting at Fairfax County Gov't Center
- 4th Saturday !! Rm 2/3

Microsoft's Virtual Earth
Selling on Ebay: What's Involved?

Presented by Bob Mason

At our November meeting, Bob Mason will be demonstrating Microsoft’s new “Virtual Earth” on-line program and a tutorial outlining the steps needed to sell items on the eBay auction site.

“Virtual Earth” is similar to “Google Earth” in displaying satellite-based photographic views of most places on Earth. Like Google’s program, you can zoom down to display individual houses, streets and other landmarks and overlay the pictures on maps, naming the streets and highways. However, “Virtual Earth” uses much more recent scans than does “Google Earth” and incorporates a “Birds-eye View” of selected areas simulating low altitude angled views from various directions. Use of the site is free.

The demo: “Selling on eBay” will include the various steps necessary to place your items up for sale or auction on the eBay site as well as a number of hints that can make your sales effective and more profitable. Bob plans to actually list an item for auction during the demo and will explain the rationale for each step in the process.

12:30 PM to 3:30 PM at the Fairfax County Government Center,
12000 Government Center Parkway, Fairfax, Virginia (
click here for directions)

Silent Keyboard - Sept 26th, 2008
Lucian A. Spriggs, Jr.

October 18th
WACUG Meeting

Details of Next Meeting: Oct 18th, 2008
3rd Sat - Meeting at Fairfax County Gov't Center
Meeting Time Line

Meeting Topic
Geotagging Your Photos
Presented by Geo Goodrum

October 18th WACUG Meeting

Meeting at Fairfax County Gov't Center
- 3rd Saturday !! Rm 1/2

Geotagging Your Photos

Presented by Geof Goodrum

Geof Goodrum will demonstrate geotagging, or applying location information to digital photos. Geotagging is becoming increasingly popular, and allows posting photos online linked to services like Google Earth and Google Maps, so not only does your audience see your pictures, but better understands where they were taken and how they relate to one another during a trip.

Geof will discuss how some cameras and cell phones now support geotagging automatically, but also how to geotag your own photos using freely available software for Microsoft Windows and GNU/Linux. Geof will also demonstrate how the same software can be used to download, map and analyze GPS data for distance and elevation changes.

12:30 PM to 3:30 PM at the Fairfax County Government Center,
12000 Government Center Parkway, Fairfax, Virginia (click here for directions)

Sept 13th WACUG Meeting

Meeting at Fairfax County Gov't Center
- 2nd Saturday !! Rm 1/2

Story and Demo of the XO-1

One Laptop Per Child Computer
Presented by Michael Coyne

In the fall of 2007, the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) organization made what it thought would be an announcement that would bring in some money. For $399 they would send some poor child in the world one of their new XO-1 computers and also send the donor a computer for themselves—the now famous Give One Get One (G1G1) offer. The response was so overwhelming that the organization took well into mid-2008 to mail out the computers. OLPC said there were about 160,000 individual orders, but that did not include big orders like the Birmingham, Alabama request for 15,000.

At the September meeting of the Washington Area Computer User Group, Michael Coyne will demonstrate the XO-1 he received, give its specs, and discuss some of the radical hardware OLPC produced. He will give a short history of the organization and the strong-willed ideological developers who built the XO-1, fought among themselves, and occasionally resigned. The computer has resulted in dozens of discussion forums, even more “how do you?” instruction forums, and thousands of hackers, in the good sense of the word. Major hardware developers have suddenly decided to produce their own computers for the digitally-deprived world and software developers have jumped in with their own plans. Microsoft is now working to port its XP operating system to the XO.

The computer to be demonstrated, however, may be the last of its kind. OLPC is working on the XO-2 which will be half the size and, in internet pictures, looks strangely like a PDA.

OLPC Web Site

WebKinz - Virtual World for Kids
Presented by Kathy Perrin

Learn about a web site that provides a virtual world for children. Kathy also believes that it is an excellent tool to teach totally non-computer literate adults about computers.

12:30 PM to 3:30 PM at the Fairfax County Government Center,
12000 Government Center Parkway, Fairfax, Virginia (
click here for directions)

[Rainbow Rule]

September 13th
WACUG Meeting

Details of Next Meeting: Oct 18th, 2008
3rd Sat - Meeting at Fairfax County Gov't Center
Meeting Time Line

Story and Demo of the XO-1
One Laptop Per Child Computer
Presented by Michael Coyne

Virtual World for Kids
Presented by Kathy Perrin

Office Professional Box
August 16th
WACUG Meeting

Details of Next Meeting: Aug 16th, 2008
3rd Sat - Meeting at Fairfax County Gov't Center
Meeting Time Line

MS Office 2007:
What's New and Worthwhile?
Presented by Bob Mason
Office Standard Box

Aug 16th WACUG Meeting

Meeting at Fairfax County Gov't Center
- 3rd Saturday !! Rm 1/2

Office 2007

What's New and Worthwhile

Our August 16th meeting will be held at the Fairfax County Government Center, from 12:30 to 3:30 PM. WAC's Bob Mason will be presenting a discussion on the latest version of Microsoft's productivity suite - Office 2007: What's New and Worthwhile? The user interface for the Office suite of programs has been changed for the first time in years. Such "opportunities" often win praise from new users to these programs, but provide challenges to long time users. Join us on the 16th and find out Bob's take on this and other features of this latest iteration of the "standard" suite of programs used by business and home users.

12:30 PM to 3:30 PM at the Fairfax County Government Center,
12000 Government Center Parkway, Fairfax, Virginia (click here for directions)

[Rainbow Rule]

August 16: Bob Mason: What's New and Worthwhile in the Office 2007 Suite

June 21st
WACUG Meeting

Details of Next Meeting: Jun 21, 2008
3rd Sat - Meeting at Fairfax County Gov't Center
Meeting Time Line

PC Clinic:
Help from WAC Experts
Video - Laptop Computer Repair

Sick Computer
Where's the WAC doc??
June 21st WACUG Meeting

Meeting at Fairfax County Gov't Center
- 3rd Saturday !! Rm 1/2

Repairing Laptop Computers

June's meeting will feature our PC Clinic, where we try to help our members with their particular hardware and software problems. We'll start this meeting off with a short program on protecting your computer, particularly from some of the perils on the internet.

At our clinic, WAC experts can help with virus and spyware removal, hardware and software installations, including operating systems. You must contact us in advance to discuss your computer's symptoms, or advise what hardware or software you'd like help installing or troubleshooting. In most cases, you must bring your complete system: CPU, monitor, keyboard, mouse. Please refer to the clinic ground rules, linked below, which provide an email address for contacting us in advance of the meeting so we can arrange the necessary expertise or special tools to help us help you with your system.

A simultaneous learning session will feature a video presentation on Repairing Laptop Computers, by author Scott Mueller.

Clinic Rules

12:30 PM to 3:30 PM at the Fairfax County Government Center,
12000 Government Center Parkway, Fairfax, Virginia (
click here for directions)

May 10th
WACUG Meeting

Details of Next Meeting: May 10th, 2008
2nd Sat - Meeting at Fairfax County Gov't Center
Meeting Time Line

FireFox 3
Browser and Add-ons
Presented by
Geof Goodrum


May 10th WACUG Meeting

2nd Saturday !!
12:30 PM to 3:30 PM
Meeting at Fairfax County Gov't Center - Rm 1/2
12000 Government Center Parkway, Fairfax, Virginia

(click here for directions)

FireFox 3
Presented by
Geof Goodrum

At the May meeting, Geof Goodrum will demonstrate how the free Firefox web browser can be extended through add-ons to identify good deals online, track the weather, protect you from online malware, fill in online forms, and perform other useful tasks. Geof will also preview the latest Firefox 3 browser, which is faster, more memory efficient, has more security features, and supports the latest web standards.

Don't miss this meeting - your attendance is always important !

April 19th
WACUG Meeting

Details of Next Meeting: Apr 19th, 2008
3rd Sat - Meeting at Fairfax County Gov't Center
Meeting Time Line

PhotoShop Elements 6
Plug-Ins and Add-ons
Presented by
Chuck Roberts

April 19th WACUG Meeting

3rd Saturday !!
12:30 PM to 3:30 PM
Meeting at Fairfax County Gov't Center - Rm 1/2
12000 Government Center Parkway, Fairfax, Virginia

(click here for directions)

Photoshop Elements 6
Presented by
Chuck Roberts

This month's meeting, at the Fairfax County Government Center on April 19, 2008, from 12:30 - 3:30 PM, will feature a presentation by Chuck Roberts about PhotoShop Elements v.6, .

Chuck Robert's will be talking about the latest edition of PhotoShop Elements, which is version 6 of this very popular photo editing and graphics creation and manipulation program. His primary topic will revolve around plug-ins and add-ons for PSE 6, but he'll also remind us of some of the basic features that make this program so popular.

Windows Home Server Box
HP MediaSmart Server
March 15th
WACUG Meeting

Details of Next Meeting: Mar 15th, 2008
3rd Sat - Meeting at Fairfax County Gov't Center
Meeting Time Line

HP MediaSmart
Home Server


More Highlights of CES
CES 2008

HP MediaSmart Server 
Windows Home Server Box
CES 2008  
March 15th WACUG Meeting

3rd Saturday !!
12:30 PM to 3:30 PM
Meeting at Fairfax County Gov't Center - Rm 1/2
12000 Government Center Parkway, Fairfax, Virginia

(click here for directions)

HP MediaSmart Home Server
Presented by
Lorrin Garson

This month's meeting, at the Fairfax County Government Center on March 15, 2008, from 12:30 - 3:30 PM, will feature a presentation by Lorrin Garson about HP's MediaSmart Server, a combination of HP hardware, and Microsoft's Windows Home Server software.

Increasingly, families possess multiple computers in their homes. Many residences now have two or three desktop and/or laptop computers and a significant number have more, especially families with school-age children. Linking these computers in some meaningful way, sharing information among devices and users, and maintaining multiple computers presents a significant challenge and a market for devices and technology to meet this need.

Networks and servers have long meet this essential demand in the workplace. However, these technologies have until now been too expensive and complex for home use. Hewlett-Packard has released a product called HP MediaSmart Server that is easy to implement and maintain in a home environment and provides a rich set of functions.

Such functions include the following:

1. Automatic backup of home computers running Microsoft Windows OS.
2. Restoration of backed up files as well as restoration of entire computer systems.
3. Sharing digital files across the home network, including word-processing files, photos, movies, music, etc.
4. Worldwide access to home computers and files via the Internet.
5. Centralized storage of the family's electronic information with appropriate privacy.

This presentation will include a discussion of this specific device, its administration and functions.

Bob Rott will finish the afternoon with a photo presentation and additional remarks about his CES experience in January, and the APCUG annual meeting.

Don't miss this meeting - your attendance is always important !

Street Atlas 2008
February 23rd
WACUG Meeting

Details of Next Meeting: Feb 23rd, 2008
4th Sat - Meeting at Fairfax County Gov't Center
Meeting Agenda

Street Atlas
USA 2008


Highlights of CES
CES 2008

CES 2008  
Street Atlas USA 2008
February 23rd WACUG Meeting

4th Saturday !!
12:30 PM to 3:30 PM
Meeting at Fairfax County Gov't Center - Rm 1/2
12000 Government Center Parkway, Fairfax, Virginia

(click here for directions)

Street Atlas USA 2008
Consumer Electronics Show

Bill Walsh, who introduced us to Google Earth in January, will be following up in February with a DeLorme Street Atlas USA 2008 presentation. Bill plans to run through the best features of the software---point-to-point routing, location of points of interest, GPS realtime location and logging, voice command and response, map editing and printing, etc.

DeLorme has been doing maps since 1976 and its Street Atlas USA software has been around for about 15 years. Their current version is SA2008, and, as they make new releases an annual event, it becomes harder to make distinctive improvements that add value to any new edition of the software. Except for offering satellite imagery for sale for many states, DeLorme mainly offers updates and expansion for roads and points of interest; their suite of useful tools are not much better than their landmark SA2006 version.

Bill will show off a new acquisition, one of the newer self-contained GPS units that are starting to take over the market. These small mobile and handheld units that have been around for a few years are experiencing a convergence of capability, convenience, and affordability. Road maps are becoming more accurate, visuals and voice commands reliably guide you to your destination, and, increasingly important, searchable points of interest are included that help you find many places of commerce and convenience.

He will compare and contrast the DeLorme software and my new GPS unit; attendees should find this to be a fun and instructional demonstration of personal guidance technology.

Geof Goodrum and Bob Rott will once again regale us with a recap of their visit to the annual meeting of the Association of Personal Computer User Groups (APCUG), and the wonders of the Consumer Electronics Show, held in Las Vegas in January.

Don't miss this meeting - your attendance is always important !

January 12th
WACUG Meeting

Details of Next Meeting: Jan 12th, 2007
2nd Sat - Meeting at Fairfax County Gov't Center
Meeting Agenda

And Beyond

January 12th WACUG Meeting

Meeting at Fairfax County Gov't Center
- 2nd Saturday !! Rm 1/2

and Beyond

Bill Walsh will be our featured speaker in January, with a presentation on Google Earth. He plans to give general info about this software---its origins, its general features---and will talk about the subscription product, Google Earth Plus, which has a few neat features for the GPS technophile, but there are limitations. (The last time Bill checked, Google Earth only allowed Magellan and Garmin units to upload Points of Interest/Waypoints, which means a lot of the newer GPS gadgets can't use GE+ product.) Bill will also talk about the "tours" they feature and how the "Google Earth Community" is creating a bunch of individualized points of interest using KML - content overlays.

Bill is researching Google Earth's image sources, noting that some areas have recently been enhanced, while some have been blurred (Dick Cheney's undisclosed location?) Bill says "There's a lot of little things about this program that are interesting, and I hope to make it informative and fun for all attendees."

[Rainbow Rule]

January 12th - Annual Meeting; Elections; Bill Walsh - Google Earth
February 9th - Bill Walsh - Street Atlas USA 2008
March 15th: Chuck Roberts - Photoshop Elements 6: Addons and Plugins

Sick Computer
Where's the WAC doc??
Dec 15th WACUG Meeting

Meeting at Fairfax County Gov't Center
- 3rd Saturday !! Rm 1/2

Networking Your Home Computer

December's meeting will feature our PC Clinic, where we try to help our members with their particular hardware and software problems. We'll start this meeting off with a short program on protecting your computer, particularly from some of the perils on the internet.

At our clinic, WAC experts can help with virus and spyware removal, hardware and software installations, including operating systems. You must contact us in advance to discuss your computer's symptoms, or advise what hardware or software you'd like help installing or troubleshooting. In most cases, you must bring your complete system: CPU, monitor, keyboard, mouse. Please refer to the clinic ground rules, linked below, which provide an email address for contacting us in advance of the meeting so we can arrange the necessary expertise or special tools to help us help you with your system.

A simultaneous learning session will feature a video presentation on PC Networking, with an emphasis on Small Office / Home Office installations.

Clinic Rules

November 17th
WACUG Meeting

Details of Next Meeting: Nov 17th, 2007
3rd Sat - Meeting at Fairfax County Gov't Center
Meeting Agenda

Dave Whittle:
Whittle's Picks for the Digital Home

Invisus Security
November 17th WACUG Meeting

Meeting at Fairfax County Gov't Center
- 3rd Saturday !! Rm 1/2

Whittle's Picks for the Digital Home

Our next meeting will be on Saturday, November 17th, in the Fairfax County Government Center, conference center room 1. Our featured speaker, visiting us from Utah, will be Dave Whittle, presenting: "Whittle's Picks for the Digital Home - Exciting Technologies You're Sure to Love." Are you enjoying the digital revolution that is transforming your home? The possibilities for managing your own digital content and entertainment are more engaging than ever before. You can now take pictures and videos with digital cameras and camcorders, add your choice of background music, and moments later share them with family and friends via e-mail or CD or even by DVD, displayed on our television sets in "home theaters."

Would you like a brief look at the latest gadgets, goodies, software, and services available for the digital home? Would you like to have software that takes your digital photos and video footage and almost magically transforms it into a movie on DVD or CD that is a surprising delight to watch? Most importantly, do you ever feel as if there is more to know about Internet security than you're being told? Are you tired of being your own Internet security expert? Would you be interested in a service that brings, for a very reasonable monthly fee, comprehensive Internet security to your PC and identity theft insurance and peace of mind to you? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you won't want to miss Dave Whittle's presentation at our next monthly meeting!

"Whittle's Picks" are hidden gems from companies large and small, old and new, with outstanding, innovative offerings -- including muvee™ Technologies ( and the Invisus PC Security Solution ( If you'd like to take advantage of these special prices at the meeting and take product home with you, remember to bring cash, check, or a credit card. See you then!

Dave Whittle's Bio       Announcement Flyer       More Presentation Details

muvee Producer logo
Dave Whittle

[Rainbow Rule]

November 17th - Dave Whittle - Picks for the Digital Home –
Exciting Technologies You’re Sure to Love
December 15th: PC Clinic; What's New w/ Office 2007
Jan 12th - Annual Meeting; Elections; Bill Walsh - Google Earth

Disk Director Suite, Power Desk Pro, Acronis True Image
Aug 18th
WACUG Meeting

Details of Next Meeting: Aug 18th, 2007
3rd Sat - Meeting at Fairfax County Gov't Center
Meeting Agenda

- Useful Software
Making (PC) Life Easy
RoboForm Password Manager

August 18th WACUG Meeting

Meeting at Fairfax County Gov't Center
- 3rd Saturday !! Rm 2/3

Utility Software
Making Your PC Life Easier

Our meeting's presentation theme will be "Utilities and Other Useful Software."

Chuck Roberts will discuss Acronis Disk Director partitioning software, and True Image backup software.

Paul Howard will discuss Avanquest's Power Desk Pro, a file management utility. Paul plans to demonstrate RoboForm, a password management utility that also fills out online web forms, and allows you to keep certain kinds of information encrypted in your computer.


[Rainbow Rule]

PS3 Console
PS3 Console
July 21st WACUG Meeting

Meeting at Fairfax County Gov't Center
- 3rd Saturday !! Rm 2/3

PlayStation 3
(Is it a Linux Command Console?)

Geof Goodrum will introduce us to Sony's PlayStation 3.

Geof will demonstrate several PS3 titles. MotorStorm is an intense, off-road driving game. Blazing Angels is a World War II flying game. Geof notes that "The graphics detail is amazing in HD."

He will also show some PS One and PS2 games to demo backwards compatibility. Geof plans to demonstrate underlying Linux operating system features for this console, either Gentoo Linux or Yellow Dog Linux.

Depending on time availability, we hope to have some brief demos of useful PC utilities. Watch the web site and your email for more details. Please plan to join us - your attendance is important!


[Rainbow Rule]

June 16th
WACUG Meeting

Details of Next Meeting: Jun 16th, 2007
3rd Sat - Meeting at Fairfax County Gov't Center
Meeting Agenda

- PC Clinic
- Perfect Backup Approach
- Compiling Linux Kernel from Source Code
Perfect Backup Approach CD

Sick Coimputer
Where's the WAC doc??
June 16th WACUG Meeting

Meeting at Fairfax County Gov't Center
- 3rd Saturday !! Rm 2/3

Protecting Your Home Computer

June's meeting will feature our PC Clinic, where we try to help our members with their particular hardware and software problems. A simultaneous learning session on Hard Drive Backup will be held - see description below.

At our clinic, WAC experts can help with virus and spyware removal, hardware and software installations, including operating systems. You must contact us in advance to discuss your computer's symptoms, or advise what hardware or software you'd like help installing or troubleshooting. In most cases, you must bring your complete system: CPU, monitor, keyboard, mouse. Please refer to the clinic ground rules, linked below, which provide an email address for contacting us in advance of the meeting so we can arrange the necessary expertise or special tools to help us help you with your system.

Clinic Rules


CD Training Presentation
from User Group Resources

Backing up your hard drive is the most important thing that you need to do to protect your computer from major loss in case of a hard drive crash. This training CD will show you the best way to backup your computer's main hard drive. The best media for backups will be identified, the best software utility to use will be shown, and the best approach to using the hardware and software for backups will be explained. This CD contains almost 50 minutes of valuable and practical tips on doing backups. Everyone needs to understand this information. Make sure you know how to backup your computer's hard drive. (Provider's program description.)

Compiling a Linux Kernel

WAC GNU/Linux SIG Leader Geof Goodrum will demonstrate how to compile a custom Linux kernel from source code for the GNU/Linux operating system.

[Rainbow Rule]

May 12th
WACUG Meeting

Details of Next Meeting: May 12th, 2007
2nd Sat - Meeting at Fairfax County Gov't Center
Meeting Agenda

Challenges of Travel Photography
Camera RAW
Digital Asset Management

May 12th WACUG Meeting

Note: Meeting at Fairfax County Gov't Center
Conference Ctr, Rm. 2 / 3
Meeting Agenda


Photography Challenges in Travel
Presented by Lorrin Garson

Traveling presents a number of challenges for taking photographs, whether using traditional film or digital equipment. Arctic and equatorial climates offer special challenges. Religious views in Muslim countries, cultural differences and political situations present other challenges. Photographing children and other wild animals can be stimulating and frustrating. Besides cameras, what other equipment should you take? In what ways are film and digital photography alike? Are there any special considerations for travel outside the U.S.? What special considerations are there in using digital equipment? How can you get decent photos in bad weather (rain, snow, etc.)? Primary focus will be on amateur photography with both point-and-shoot and SLR cameras, but with emphasis on the latter. Sample photographs will be shown.

Shooting Camera Raw and Digital Asset Management
Presented by Chuck Roberts

Professional photographers are migrating to shooting camera raw images. What is camera raw and why are they switching to it? Is this important to me? What's the benefit of shooting camera raw? Chuck will demonstrate camera raw images and how to deal with them using Photoshop Elements 5.0 and Photoshop Lightroom for digital photographers. In addition, he'll demonstrate how both Photoshop Elements 5.0 and Lightroom help with digital asset management (managing your photos) to assist you in locating that special photo you're searching for in your digital collection of 5000 photos (and still growing). How many digital images do you have?

[Rainbow Rule]

DVD Maker
April 21st
WACUG Meeting

Details of Next Meeting: April 21st, 2007
3rd Sat - Meeting at Fairfax County Gov't Center
Meeting Agenda

DVDs of Quality -
The Burning Issues
Internet Comparison Shopping Sites
Internet Price Comparison

DVDs of Quality - The Burning Issues

WAC's Bill Walsh has been researching the challenges of producing good DVDs, and avoiding the production of shiny thin coasters. Learn about what Bill has discovered, including recommended tools and resources for insuring that your data, video, and music are recorded flawlessly.

The Microsoft Office 2007 program orginally scheduled for the April 21st meeting will be presented at a later time.

Special Feature

Internet Shopping Comparison Sites

Geof Goodrum will introduce us to Internet shopping comparison web sites. Here's another resource for finding great prices and new suppliers to feed your computer habit!

PriceGrabber Logo

shopzilla Logo

[Rainbow Rule]

April 21st Meeting - DVDs of Quality - The Burning Issues; Internet Shopping Sites;
May 12th Meeting - 2nd Saturday - Digital Photography - The RAW File Format
June 16th Meeting - PC Clinic and Simultaneous Learning Session

MS Office 2007 box
April 21st WACUG Meeting

Note: Meeting at Fairfax County Gov't Center
Conference Ctr, Rm. 2 / 3
Meeting Agenda

MS Office 2007 box

Microsoft Office 2007 - What's New and Worthwhile?

Hidden in all the hype of the introduction of Windows Vista, Microsoft also introduced their latest upgrade to their productivity suite, Office 2007. WAC's Bob Mason will be April's featured speaker, and will demonstrate this package and show us what's new and worthwhile with this historically best selling suite of word processing, spreadsheet and related packages available in a variety of configurations.

Circuit Board from Spectrum Display box
Mar 17th
WACUG Meeting

Details of Next Meeting: Mar 17th, 2007
3rd Sat - Meeting at Fairfax County Gov't Center
Meeting Agenda

Join Us At The Meeting !!!

See the Radio Spectrum -
the Other Ether !!
Streaming Internet Radio
Streamin' Screamin' Audio

SDR14 - software defined radio
March 17th WACUG Meeting

Note: Meeting at Fairfax County Gov't Center
Conference Ctr, Rm. 2 / 3
Meeting Agenda


See the Radio Spectrum - the Other Ether!

Bill Walsh, WAC's Secretary and Director of Meeting Services will introduce us to the secrets of the airwaves - the radio communications that surround us.

We've come a long way in radio communications receivers, from large vacuum tube equipment to miniature solid state to subminiature surface mount solid state. Incorporating computers into their evolution, receiver technology has created the "Software Defined Radio" which uses programming to access and manipulate the RF spectrum.

RFSpace ( makes a little black box called the SDR-14. It is designed to receive signals from 0 kHz to 30 MHz, and includes the capability to hear and see the radio spectrum. You can define wide or narrow chunks of radio frequencies to observe, which lets you see signal presence on a wide scale or see, filter, and record signal activity with a narrower spectrum scale.

If your schedule is full for our Saturday session, Bill will reprise his presentation on Wednesday, March 28th, at 7 PM at Carlin Hall in Arlington. See: for details.

Special Feature

Internet Streaming Radio

Geof Goodrum will discuss and demonstrate audio listening from a competing medium, streaming radio on the Internet. Geof will help us uncover the mysteries of the many formats for audio listening, and discuss tools to use for this PC adventure.

[Rainbow Rule]

March 17th - Radio Spectrum Display; Streaming Radio on the Net
April 21st Meeting - Internet Shopping Sites; Microsoft Office 2007 - What's New - Highlights
May 12th Meeting - 2nd Saturday - Topics To Be Announced
June 16th Meeting - PC Clinic and Simultaneous Learning Session

Feb 17th
WACUG Meeting

Details of Next Meeting: Feb 17th, 2007
3rd Sat - Meeting at Kings Park Library
Meeting Agenda

Photoshop Elements 5:
What's New & Neat?
Chuck Roberts

Elements / Premier package
February 17th WACUG Meeting

Note: Meeting at Kings Park Library
9000 Burke Lake Rd.,
Burke, VA
Library Info
Overhead View
Library Road Sign
Meeting Agenda


Photoshop Elements
Version 5

Chuck Roberts has delighted WAC members with his lively presentations about this Adobe image editing product yearly since the introduction of version 2. This edition added features to improve organization of photos, and for sharing them with others. Incorporation of Flash technology allows animation effects to be added to your photo shows. Enhancements allow for the creation of powerful black and white photo images.

Special Feature

Geof Goodrum will discuss the annual meeting of the Association of Personal Computer User Groups, and narrate video he took at the meeting and the Consumer Electronics Show in January.

[Rainbow Rule]

February 17th Meeting - Photoshop Elements, Version 5: Special Location
March 17th - Radio Spectrum Display; Google Earth; Streaming Radio on the Net
April 21st Meeting - Internet Shopping Sites; Microsoft Office 2007 - What's New - Highlights
May 12th Meeting - 2nd Saturday - Topics To Be Announced
June 16th Meeting - PC Clinic and Simultaneous Learning Session

Jan 20th
WACUG Meeting

Details of Next Meeting: Jan 20th, 2007
3rd Sat - Meeting at Fairfax County Gov't Center

Windows VISTA:
Revolution or Evolution?

January 20th WACUG Meeting

Meeting at Fairfax County Gov't Center
- 3rd Saturday !!

Windows VISTA
Revolution or Rip-Off?

WACUG's Bob Mason will demonstrate the latest Windows Operating System. Arriving two years behind schedule, will this revolutionize personal computing, or just empty the pockets of those who upgrade to the new software? With its multiple versions and highest prices ever for a PC operating system, how do you chose? Should we upgrade, or wait till we buy a new computer? Hear Bob's take on what is probably the most expensive general PC software development project ever.


[Rainbow Rule]

January 20th Meeting - Windows Vista Operating System
February 17th Meeting - Photoshop Elements, Version 5: Special Location
March 17th - Radio Spectrum Display; Google Earth; Streaming Radio on the Net

Dec 16th
WACUG Meeting

Details of Next Meeting: Dec 16th, 2006
3rd Sat - Meeting at Fairfax County Gov't Center

Protecting Home Computers

Sick Computer
Where's the WAC doc??
December 16th WACUG Meeting

Meeting at Fairfax County Gov't Center
- 3rd Saturday !!

Protecting Your Home Computer

December's meeting will feature our PC Clinic, where we try to help our members with their particular hardware and software problems. We'll start this meeting off with a short program on protecting your computer, particularly from some of the perils on the internet.

At our clinic, WAC experts can help with virus and spyware removal, hardware and software installations, including operating systems. You must contact us in advance to discuss your computer's symptoms, or advise what hardware or software you'd like help installing or troubleshooting. In most cases, you must bring your complete system: CPU, monitor, keyboard, mouse. Please refer to the clinic ground rules, linked below, which provide an email address for contacting us in advance of the meeting so we can arrange the necessary expertise or special tools to help us help you with your system.

Clinic Rules


Washington Area
Computer User Group

~ A Non-profit Membership Organization Serving Personal Computer Users ~
~ in the Washington DC Metropolitan Area Since 1985 ~

Nov 18th
WACUG Meeting

Details of Next Meeting: Nov 18th, 2006
3rd Sat - Meeting at Fairfax County Gov't Center

Internet Email Security,
Debunking Internet Myths
Email 'round the World

Email's on its way!
Phising for Information
November 18th WACUG Meeting

Meeting at Fairfax County Gov't Center
- 3rd Saturday !!

Internet Email Security,
Debunking Internet Myths

Geof Goodrum will focus on identifying and handling e-mail hoaxes, spam, malware and fraud (phishing, 419, lotteries, etc.). Geof plans to use Thunderbird 1.5 and Firefox 2.0 for the demonstration portion of the program, which will provide members an excellent opportunity to experience alternative browser and email client programs. These programs are available for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X platforms.

As time permits, Geof will also demonstrate Fedora Core 6, which is loaded on the WACUG laptop. Geof notes "The new 3D desktop effects are pretty neat, though this is reducing Linux to comparisons with Vista."


[Rainbow Rule]

December 16th - PC Clinic
January 20th Meeting - Windows Vista Operating System
February XX Meeting - Photoshop Elements, Version 5

Vinyl records
Sept 16th
WACUG Meeting

Details of Next Meeting: Sept 16th, 2006
3rd Sat - Meeting at FF County Gov't Center, Rm 4 / 5

Convert Vinyl Records
to Digital Audio Media
Digital Compact Disks

Bruce Fries

FL100 player
Sept.16th WACUG Meeting

Meeting at Fairfax County Government Center
Room 4 / 5 - 3rd Saturday !!

Converting Vinyl Records to
Digital Audio Media

Our September 16th meeting will feature Bruce Fries, a writer and business consultant who lives in Silver Spring, Maryland. He is an associate of the Audio Engineering Society and the author of Digital Audio Essentials--a comprehensive, reader-friendly guide to the world of music on computers and the Internet. When he's not writing books or tinkering with hi fi equipment, he's just as likely to be fixing up old cars or helping small businesses with marketing and public relations. His latest book is available from O'Reilly Publishing.

Bruce will do a live demonstration of recording audio from a scratchy vinyl LP and then remove the noise, in preparation for conversion from the old vinyl format, to a variety of digital media. We'll be inviting members of other local user groups to join us for this timely presentation.

Vinyl Records

Nomad MuVo

[Rainbow Rule]

September 16th Meeting - Vintage Vinyl to Digital Audio: How To
October 21st - Creating a DVD to Share with Family & Friends
November 18th - Internet Security, Debunking Internet Myths
December 16th - PC Clinic

Pep Up Your Presentation
Aug 19th
WACUG Meeting

Details of Next Meeting: Aug 19th, 2006
3rd Sat - Meeting at FF County Gov't Center, Rm 4 / 5

PowerPoint Presentations:
Tips and Tricks
Get with the Program !!

Touch Up Your Preso  !!

Organize Those Slides
August 19th WACUG Meeting

Note: Meeting at Fairfax County Government Center - 3rd Saturday !!

PowerPoint Presentations: Tips & Tricks

Our August Program

Here's How It's Done

A Bit More Color, Please

[Rainbow Rule]

May 20th
WACUG Meeting

Details of Next Meeting: May 20th, 2006
3rd Sat - Meeting at FF County Gov't Center, Rm 4 / 5

GNU/Linux Operating System,
Open Source Applications,
and Knoppix

There are alternatives !!

May 20th, 2006

Meeting at Fairfax County Government Center, Rm 4 / 5
NOTE: 3rd Saturday of the Month !!

Count on Open Source tools !!

Linux: Operating System and Applications Demonstrations

At the May 20th WAC meeting, Geof Goodrum will introduce the GNU/Linux Operating System and several popular desktop applications for it. Besides being noted for stability and security, GNU/Linux also offers its users a wide choice of software, including desktop environments, office applications, games, graphics and sound editors, image managers and e-mail clients. Geof will provide some background on Open Source software and GNU/Linux distributions, then demonstrate the KDE and Gnome desktop environments and several popular applications such as, Kword, Scribus, the GIMP, ImageMagick, Gnucash and Celestia.

What is KNOPPIX??
KNOPPIX is a bootable CD with a collection of GNU/Linux software, automatic hardware detection, and support for many graphics cards, sound cards, SCSI and USB devices and other peripherals. KNOPPIX can be used as a Linux demo, educational CD, rescue system, or adapted and used as a platform for commercial software product demos. It is not necessary to install anything on a hard disk. Due to on-the-fly decompression, the CD can have up to 2 GB of executable software installed on it.

If time permits, Geof will also show video highlights from the APCUG 2006 Conference and the 2006 International Consumer Electronics Show.

Don't mess with LINUX !!

April 15th
WACUG Meeting

Details of Next Meeting: April 15th, 2006
3rd Sat - Meeting at
FF County Gov't Center , Rm 4 / 5
Two Topics This Month !!

Skyhawk Technologies' Cybercorder 2000
F Secure Internet Security

F Secure Internet Security box

April 15th WACUG Meeting

Meeting at Fairfax County Government Center - 3rd Saturday !!
ROOM 4/5

Bill Walsh will demonstrate Cybercorder 2000, a program by Skyhawk Technologies that allows use of your computer as an audio recorder, either directly off the internet, or via the audio input jacks, to make recordings at specific times, such as you would program a VCR or DVR to do. Skyhawk Technologies web site.

Bill has arranged for Skyhawk to set up a 20% discount coupon. To use it, just order from the following link:
The discount may also be obtained by ordering through the order form, using snail mail. Just include a check for $19.96 and reference coupon SKYH-70W3. The order form link is at

[Rainbow Rule]

F Secure Internet Security box Jorn Dakin will discuss F Secure Internet Security, a product for protecting your computer from the devilry of the Internet. It is produced by a Finnish company, founded in 1988.

F-Secure Internet Security 2006 includes antivirus software, as well as a personal firewall. The product can filter unwanted spam from your email and, with the help of the parental control feature, block access to websites with questionable content.

Need to Protect Your Computer?

[Rainbow Rule]

PhotoShop Elements box
March 25th
WACUG Meeting

Details of Next Meeting: March 25th, 2006
4th Sat - Meeting at FF County Gov't Center

Adobe PhotoShop Elements V4
Upgrade of a 'Prosumer' Image Editor

Digital Camera  

Photoshop Elements V4 Box
March 25th WACUG Meeting

Note: Meeting at Fairfax County Government Center - 4th Saturday !!
ROOM 2/3

Discussion and Demonstration
of a Digital Image Editor

Adobe recently released the latest version of Adobe Photoshop Elements, V.4. Chuck Roberts will discuss this latest upgrade to this increasingly popular image / photo editing program. With every edition, Adobe makes changes - are they enhancements, or just more challenges for scampering up the learning curve? Don't miss another great presentation from WACUG's popular image (and print) Eddy Tor !

February 11th
WACUG Meeting

Details of Next Meeting: February 11th, 2006
2nd Sat - Meeting at FF County Gov't Center,

GNU/Linux Operating System
Open Source Applications


There are alternatives !!

February 11th, 2006

Meeting at Fairfax County Government Center, Rm 4 / 5
NOTE: 2nd Saturday of the Month !!

Count on Open Source tools !!

Linux: Operating System and Applications Demonstrations

At the February 11th WAC meeting, Geof Goodrum will introduce the GNU/Linux Operating System and several popular desktop applications for it. Besides being noted for stability and security, GNU/Linux also offers its users a wide choice of software, including desktop environments, office applications, games, graphics and sound editors, image managers and e-mail clients. Geof will provide some background on Open Source software and GNU/Linux distributions, then demonstrate the KDE and Gnome desktop environments and several popular applications such as, Kword, Scribus, the GIMP, ImageMagick, Gnucash and Celestia.

Geof will also show video highlights from the APCUG 2006 Conference and the 2006 International Consumer Electronics Show.

Don't mess with LINUX !!

January 21st
WACUG Meeting

Details of Next Meeting:
January 21st, 2006
3rd Sat - Meeting at FF County Gov't Center,
Two Topics This Month !!

Home Networking,
Part 2

O'Reilly Telephony Conference

Computer network

January 21st, 2006

Meeting at Fairfax County Government Center, Rm 2 /3

Computer network

Home Computer Networking, Part II

Chuck Roberts and Geof Goodrum will build a peer to peer network, incorporating both wired and wireless connections. File and resource sharing will be discussed. Members are encouraged to bring laptops and be part of the network created during this demonstration.

Computer network

[Rainbow Rule]

[Rainbow Rule]

February 11th Meeting - Linux: Operating System and Applications Demonstrations
March 25th Meeting - Photoshop Elements Version 4 Demonstration
April 15th Meeting - Cybercorder (Skyhawk Technologies) Demo; FSecure Security Suite
May 20th Meeting - Personal Video Editing with your PC
June 17th Meeting - Computer Clinic
July 15th Meeting - PowerPoint Tips and Techniques

Hard Drive
December 10th
WACUG Meeting

Details of Next Meeting: December 10th, 2005
3rd Saturday - Meeting at FF County Center,

Build Your Own Computer,
Part II

CPU Fan & Heatsink
O'Reilly Telephony Conference

CPU Your Own Computer

December 10th, 2005

Meeting at Fairfax County Government Center, Rm #7

Build Your Own Computer, Part II

Paul Howard will narrate an Intel presentation to guide users through the creation of their own system.

Part II - the Workshop - where we'll actually help you build your own new PC. We'll not only walk step by step with you through the process of building a PC, but we've arranged with PC Club for special pricing and support on everything you'll need to build a state-of-the-art, Intel-based PC loaded with the advanced features you want and need.

For a price of not much more than $500 and on up, depending on how fast and functional a system you need, you'll be able to get all of the components for an amazing PC worth much more than that if you were to buy it pre-assembled. The available parts have been carefully selected by experts from within the User Group community based on their stringent demands for performance, function, quality, and value.

To reserve your spot at the Workshop, please contact
Paul Howard - 703-860-9246. You can also see more details at our special web page for this series: Build Your Own Computer

Build Your Own Computer

[Rainbow Rule]

January 21st Meeting - Home Networking, Part 2; Windows Genuine Advantage
February 11th Meeting - Linux: Operating System and Applications Demonstrations
March 25th Meeting - Photoshop Elements Version 4 Demonstration
April 15th Meeting - Cybercorder (Skyhawk Technologies) Demo; FSecure Security Suite

Computer Network
November 19th
WACUG Meeting

Details of Next Meeting: November 19th, 2005
3rd Saturday - Meeting at Micro Center, Fairfax

Two Topics this Month !!

Home Networking, Part I
Build Your Own Computer, Part I

CPU Fan & Heatsink

Computer Network Computer Emerges
November 19th WACUG Meeting

Note: Meeting at MicroCenter - 3rd Saturday !!

MicroCenter Directions


Home Computer Networking, Part I

WAC's Networking gurus, Geof Goodrum and Chuck Roberts, will help solve the mysteries of networking your home computer systems in the first of a two part series to help you understand networking, and securing your network for safe use.

Starting with a brief history of computer networks, this talk will cover client / server environments, and, more common in personal use, the peer-to-peer environment. Basic concepts of computer security flowing into network security in client / server, and peer-to-peer networks will be covered. The bulk of discussion will center on the requirements and how to's for creating a wireless peer-to-peer network, using a router, hub/switches, Wireless Access Points (WAP) and bridges to create complex wired and wireless networks.

Computer Network

CPU Your Own Computer

Build Your Own Computer, Part I

Paul Howard will narrate an Intel presentation to guide users through the creation of their own system. Part I addresses "Why Build Your Own Computer?", "Where to Buy Parts?" and the considerations involved in choosing the various components and technologies. During this BYO Seminar, audience members will be introduced to the opportunity to customize, purchase and build a state-of-the-art, high-performance, high-value PC from specially-priced components.

See more details at our special web page for this series:
Build Your Own Computer

[Rainbow Rule]

Got scheduling conflicts on WACUG meeting dates ?? Our sister group, NCTCUG, will present Build Your Own Computer, Part 2a on November 23rd, 7 PM and Build Your Own Computer, Part 2b on December 7th, at 7 PM, Carlin Hall, Arlington.

October 15th
WACUG Meeting

Details of Next Meeting: October 15th, 2005
3rd Saturday - Meeting at Micro Center, Fairfax

Street Atlas 2006 / Integrating GPS

October 15th, 2005 WACUG Meeting

Note: Meeting at MicroCenter - 3rd Saturday !!


Street Atlas 2006 / Integrating GPS

Always stumbled around with a compass and a map?
Scouting was never like this!
Find your way with WACUG!

The October meeting of the Washington Area Computer User Group (WAC) will feature member Bill Walsh talking about Street Atlas 2006. DeLorme's latest version of this consumer mapping software does things right - new features, better performance.

Bill follows with an introduction to GPS, Magellan, and Mapsend Streets, and then will perform the all important job of integrating the GPS unit to the computer displaying the Street Atlas 2006 software, so the group can see GPS interfaced with SA2006. While the Magellan GPS units can themselves be standalones, it's the integration with a feature-rich program like SA2006 that makes GPS "neater than neat".......

Now you can find your way, even if you can't read a map, because - these geek toys talk to you !!

November 19th Meeting - Home Networking, Part 1; Build Your Own Computer, Part 1
December 10th Meeting - Build Your Own Computer, Part 2

[Rainbow Rule]

Got scheduling conflicts on WACUG meeting dates ?? Our sister group, NCTCUG, will present Street Atlas 2006 / Integrating GPS on October 5th at 7 PM; Build Your Own Computer, Part 1 on November 2nd; Build Your Own Computer, Part 2a on November 23rd and Build Your Own Computer, Part 2b on December 7th.

Woman with a plan
September 17th
WACUG Meeting

Details of Next Meeting: September 17th, 2005
3rd Saturday - Meeting at Government Center

Fairfax County
Geographical Information System
Useful Software Utilities

Working on infrasturcture

September 17th WACUG Meeting

Note: Meeting at Fairfax County Government Center - 3rd Saturday !!

Fairfax County's
Geographical Information System

We're hoping to have a unique presentation for September's meeting, scheduled for Saturday, September 17th in the Fairfax County Government Center. We've invited a representative of the county's Geographical Information System department to our meeting. We expect to see a presentation about how this application of computer based mapping technology helps county agencies provide better services to the more than one million residents of Fairfax County.

Useful Software Utilities

Route 1 Pro Buttonbar
Following the GIS presentation, Bill Walsh, WAC's director of meeting services, will introduce the group to several programs he's found that enhance the use of PC systems. Route 1 Pro is a "button bar" replacing or enhancing the standard Windows interface, providing access to applications, documents, and information at the single touch of a button. The program provides quick, easy access to your programs and files, and includes a powerful scripting language, complete with full documentation, allowing you to consolidate tedious operations into a single click.

Application Mover Screenshot
Bill will also discuss another useful program from Funduc Software. Application Mover is a tool that relocates installed programs from one path to another on your hard disk. Application Mover takes files found in the path specified in the 'Current Path' field and moves them to the 'New Path' path. Application Mover scans the windows registry for references to files located in the 'Current' field and changes those references to the 'New' path. Application Mover also scans all windows shortcuts in the Start Menu and adjusts path references to the new program location.

File Locator Screenshot Cursor editor Chuck Roberts will demonstrate FileLocator Pro, a utility program that allows you to search your computer for "that file or information" you know you saved somewhere. FileLocator Pro does not consider any file too small or insignificant to examine. Major features include: ZIP, RAR, CAB, PDF Word Doc file searching; Active Scripting support for search customization; LAN/WAN network drives searching (UNC support); and the ability to export search results in Text, CSV, HTML, or XML format.

August 20th WACUG Meeting
Details of Next Meeting: August 20th, 2005
3rd Saturday - Meeting at Government Center

Learn About the
Digital Home Experience

August 20th WACUG Meeting

Note: Meeting at Fairfax County Government Center - 3rd Saturday !!

Digital Home Experience

Learn How to Bring the Digital Home Experience into Your Home

Presented by Bill Walsh

The convergence of digital media, PC technology and consumer electronics is opening up a whole new world of home entertainment. Find out how high-performance PCs, new devices, wireless LAN and broadband Internet access are changing the way you and your family can enjoy digital music, photography and video throughout your home.

The presentation will cover what’s possible in today’s digital home and the building blocks you need to get started. Attend this seminar to see what the digital home buzz is about—and receive a thank you gift from Intel.

July 16th WACUG Meeting
Details of Next Meeting: July 16th, 2005
3rd Saturday - Meeting at Government Center

Voice Over IP:

How It Works & Experiences

Pick Your Poison

July 16th WACUG Meeting

Note: Meeting at Fairfax County Government Center - 3rd Saturday !!

Voice Over IP Telephony:
How It Works & Experience Reports

Our July 16th meeting will feature WAC's membership chair, Geof Goodrum, discussing "Voice Over IP" telephony, which will include a demonstration of the service if technical details with the internet connection can be worked out at our meeting location.

Voice over IP has grown exponentially, from a gimmick and names like Skype, to product offerings from recent startups like SunRocket, established VOIP providers like Vonage, and traditional carriers like AT&T CallVantage and Verizon VoiceWing.

In addition, Geof and Chuck Roberts will discuss their experiences with VOIP services from local provider SunRocket.

[Rainbow Rule]

June 18th WACUG Meeting
Details of Next Meeting: June 18th, 2004
3rd Saturday - Meeting at Government Center

Computer Clinic


Simultaneous Learning Sessions

Safe Computing -
Got Protection ??
Updated 03/07/05
The Cursor - download
recent newsletters here.
Updated 05/23/05
WACUG's Smart Computing
Subscription Program
Recent Meeting Topics
Updated 03/08/05
What is APCUG?
Pictures of WAC Meetings
Updated 04/03/05
2005 Memberships Now Available
Spriggs' Web Sites now online
Updated 05/22/05
Linux CD of the Month
Windows CD of the Month
Updated 05/22/05
Computer Terms Glossary
WAC's Web Board
Software Review Policy
Vendor Partners
Member Benefits
Updt - O'Reilly 06/18/05
Our Sister Group
WACUG's Organizational Documents

June 18th WACUG Meeting

Note: Meeting at Fairfax County Government Center - 3rd Saturday !!

Sick Computer

Computer Clinic:
Help with Hardware, Software

WACUG's June meeting will feature our computer clinic. You must call in advance to discuss your computer's symptoms, or advise what hardware or software you'd like help installing or troubleshooting. You must bring complete system: CPU, monitor, keyboard, mouse.

Computer Clinic ground rules.

Simultaneous Learning Session
The "Backing Up Your Hard Drive" CD presentation from User Group Resources will introduce you to the many backup approaches that are being used and show you the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. It will also examine the latest hardware available to make backing up your main hard drive much easier, including the many new external hard drives that are on the market.

After training with the CD, you should be able to pick a backup plan that is just right for your computer system. Also included are detailed examples of how to do the various backup approaches using live examples using Drive Image v7, Drive Image 2002, and DataKeeper v5. Following the examples in this CD, you will be able to set up your computer system to take regular backups with little effort on your part.

Backing up your hard drive is perhaps the most important thing you should do with your computer system and this CD will train you to do this important task very well.

[Rainbow Rule]

Q&A Session before Presentations: Get Help with Those Nagging Problems

[Rainbow Rule]

Door Prize Eligibility: Members Only

July 16th Meeting - Topic to be announced

WAC is a general interest computer user group that supports a variety of operating systems, including Microsoft Windows and GNU/Linux. For more information, call the WAC AnswerLine at (703) 370-7649.
[Rainbow Rule]
Smart Computing
Details of Next Meeting: May 21st, 2005
3rd Saturday - Meeting at Government Center
>>>ROOM 2/3<<<

Smart Computing
User Group Program
Guest Speaker - Ashley Hannant

PC Today
Computer Power User
Safe Computing -
Got Protection ??
Updated 03/07/05
The Cursor - download
recent newsletters here.
Updated 05/23/05
WACUG's Smart Computing
Subscription Program
Recent Meeting Topics
Updated 03/08/05
What is APCUG?
Pictures of WAC Meetings
Updated 04/03/05
2005 Memberships Now Available
Spriggs' Web Sites now online
Updated 05/22/05
Linux CD of the Month
Windows CD of the Month
Updated 05/22/05
Computer Terms Glossary
WAC's Web Board
Software Review Policy
Vendor Partners
Member Benefits
Updt - O'Reilly 05/22/05
Our Sister Group
Consumer Electronics Lifestyles

May 21st WACUG Meeting

Note: Meeting at Fairfax County Government Center - 3rd Saturday !!
ROOM 2/3


Smart Computing Magazine's
User Group Program
featuring Ashley Hannant,
Sandhills Publishing

Computers can sometimes be a cruel game of hide and seek. Smart Computing knows how you feel, so ready or not here we come! See the very best Smart Computing has to offer through a personal visit. Ashley will illustrate the helpful information you can find every month in Smart Computing, plus we will give a live demonstration of all the helpful tools available at Let us show you how to get the most out of your Smart Computing subscription.

Talk about checking
Details of Next Meeting: April 16th, 2005
3rd Saturday - Meeting at Government Center
>>>ROOM 2/3<<<

Personal Finance:
Managing with a Spreadsheet
Report from the CES

Keeping Track
Safe Computing -
Got Protection ??
Updated 03/07/05
The Cursor - download
recent newsletters here.
Updated 03/07/05
WACUG's Smart Computing
Subscription Program
Recent Meeting Topics
Updated 03/08/05
What is APCUG?
Pictures of WAC Meetings
Updated 04/03/05
2005 Memberships Now Available
Spriggs' Web Sites now online
Updated 04/03/05
Linux CD of the Month
Windows CD of the Month
Updated 03/06/05
Computer Terms Glossary
WAC's Web Board
Software Review Policy
Vendor Partners
Member Benefits
Our Sister Group

Juggling a Budget

Discussion and Demonstration:
Managing Personal Finances with a Spreadsheet (Excel)

So, now that you've got that personal computer, what are you going to use it for? Managing household finances is one of the applications that comes to mind for most folks. There are a variety of commercial packages out there, and we've featured several meetings on Quicken software and how members use it.

In April, WAC's Bob Mason will discuss how he makes use of the Microsoft spreadsheet program Excel to keep track of his checkbook, and in planning and budgeting his personal finances.

From Las Vegas:
Highlights from the 2005 Consumer Electronics Show

Geof Goodrum, WAC's Membership Chair and LINUX SIG leader, attended the APCUG annual meeting, and one of the biggest annual conventions in the US, the Consumer Electronics Show, in January. Hear Geof's impressions and see video of the latest in technology gadgets from this year's premier event.

Details of Next Meeting: March 19th, 2005
3rd Saturday - Meeting at Government Center
>>>ROOM 9/10<<<

Photoshop Elements 3.0
Move Up to a 'Prosumer' Image Editor

March 19th WACUG Meeting

Note: Meeting at Fairfax County Government Center - 3rd Saturday !!
ROOM 9/10

Discussion and Demonstration
of a Digital Image Editor

Adobe recently released the latest version of Adobe Photoshop Elements, V.3. This product has finally graduated to the top of their consumer product list. In fact, it is considered by many to be of "prosumer" status already. But why should you upgrade?

Chuck Roberts will explain why, and demonstrate some of the program's enhanced new features, including how to "save" your digital negatives and organize and find images on your computer.

Chuck will display several new books written especially for Photoshop Elements 3 and will also demonstrate an Epson PictureMate photo printer.

Details of Next Meeting: Feb. 26th, 2005
4th Saturday - Meeting at Government Center
>>>ROOM 2/3<<<

Lose Internet Explorer !!
Alternate Browser Demonstrations


Annual Meeting - Election of Officers
February 26th WACUG Meeting

Note: Meeting at Fairfax County Government Center - 4th Saturday !!
ROOM 2/3

Alternative Internet Browser Demonstrations

At the February meeting of the Washington Area Computer User Group, see a demonstration of Mozilla, Firefox and Thunderbird software, find out about the similarities and differences between Mozilla, Firefox and Thunderbird, and learn how to setup Internet newsfeeds, customizable themes and additional features through optional extensions.

Mozilla is a free network application suite integrating a web browser, e-mail/news client, Internet Relay Chat (IRC) client and web page editor. The Mozilla Organization separately developed the Firefox web browser and Thunderbird e-mail/news client as standalone applications.

These programs have received high marks for better security, features, performance and standards compliance than Microsoft's Internet Explorer and Outlook Express software.

The meeting will include a brief Annual Meeting and election of the 2005 Board of Directors. If time permits, there will also be a video presentation and report about the January 2005 Consumer Electronics Show.

Q&A Session before Presentations: Get Help with Those Nagging Problems

[Rainbow Rule]

Door Prize Eligibility: Members Only

March Meeting - Adobe Photoshop Elements Version 3

WAC is a general interest computer user group that supports a variety of operating systems, including Microsoft Windows and GNU/Linux. For more information, call the WAC AnswerLine at (703) 370-7649.
[Rainbow Rule]
Details of Next Meeting: Dec. 18th, 2004
3rd Saturday - Meeting at Government Center
>>>ROOM 8<<<

Computer Clinic


Simultaneous Learning Sessions


December 18th WACUG Meeting

Note: Meeting at Fairfax County Government Center - 3rd Saturday !!

Sick Computer

Computer Clinic:
Shake the Bugs Out of Your System
Help with Hardware, Software

WACUG's December meeting will feature our computer clinic. You must call in advance to discuss your computer's symptoms, or advise what hardware or software you'd like help installing or troubleshooting. You must bring complete system: CPU, monitor, keyboard, mouse.

Computer Clinic ground rules.

Simultaneous Learning Session
The "Backing Up Your Hard Drive" CD presentation from User Group Resources will introduce you to the many backup approaches that are being used and show you the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. It will also examine the latest hardware available to make backing up your main hard drive much easier, including the many new external hard drives that are on the market.

After training with the CD, you should be able to pick a backup plan that is just right for your computer system. Also included are detailed examples of how to do the various backup approaches using live examples using Drive Image v7, Drive Image 2002, and DataKeeper v5. Following the examples in this CD, you will be able to set up your computer system to take regular backups with little effort on your part.

Backing up your hard drive is perhaps the most important thing you should do with your computer system and this CD will train you to do this important task very well.

Digital Edge Expo

See a video tape of NBC4's coverage of the Digital Edqe Expo, where we held a meeting, learning session, and staffed a booth during this September event.

Details of Next Meeting: November 20th, 2004
3rd Saturday
Fairfax County Government Center
Two Presentations This Month !!

Intel's Centrino Mobile Technology
Zip File Compression & Archiving


November 20th, 2004 WACUG Meeting
Note: Meeting at Fairfax County Government Center - 3rd Saturday !!
Two Presentations This Month

Intel's Centrino Mobile Technology

Intel's Centrino Mobile Technology will be the featured topic at the November WAC meeting. Bill Walsh will host this technology showcase, made available through the APCUG "presentation in a box"program - and there'll be rewards for attendees who complete a survey form.

. Find out about Intel's newest mobile technology and the benefits of wireless notebooks for today's mobile lifestyles. Intel® Centrino™ mobile technology features integrated wireless LAN capability and breakthrough mobile performance, while enabling great battery life in lighter, easier-to-carry notebook PCs.

Zip File Compression & Archiving

Our second topic for November is file compression and archiving, with emphasis on the commonly used "zip" format. Chuck Roberts will be our guide on this discussion of a commonly used approach to transmitting or backing up files, that allows savings in required storage space or transmission times. Chuck's primary emphasis will be on Allume System's Stuffit program. Other programs with similar functions will be mentioned, including WinZip and PKZIP.

October 16th, 2004 WACUG Meeting
Note: Meeting at Micro Center - 3rd Saturday !!
Two Presentations This Month

Directions to Micro Center

Managing Your CheckBook: Two Approaches

This month's meeting will feature several approaches to managing your personal finances with your computer. WACUG member Bill Bailes will discuss his use of Intuit's Quicken program, and his challenges in moving to a new version of the program.

WAC's Bob Mason will describe the use of a spreadsheet program for checkbook management.

Details of Next Meeting: September 18th, 2004
3rd Saturday
DC Convention Center

Home Wireless Networks:
Setting Up and
and Securing Yours !!


September 18th, 2004 WACUG Meeting
Note: Meeting at DC Convention Center - 3rd Saturday !!

Wireless Router NBC4 Digital Edge Expo

        Wireless Networking

The Washington Area Computer User Group's September meeting topic will be "Setting Up and Securing a Wireless Home Network." Wireless networks make it easy to share an Internet connection with PCs and game consoles throughout a house or business, but most are configured incorrectly or with little regard to the risks. This meeting will include a demonstration and discussion of wireless network setup, covering equipment options, and network security. Unless you want to be the neighborhood ISP, or subject to information insecurity, attend this session!

This presentation is scheduled for Saturday, September 18, 4 PM, in classroom #2, Booth 1220, Hall A, at the Washington, DC Convention Center. This special presentation is held in conjunction with WACUG's participation in NBC4's Digital Edge Expo. The meeting is free and open to the public. No preregistration is required.

A regular WACUG membership meeting will be held on Saturday, at 2 PM in classroom #2 [Booth 1220]. Be sure to check on-site signboards and literature in case of last minute room or time changes. Please visit our exhibit booth [#913] which will be staffed with WACUG volunteers on Saturday and Sunday of the Expo. Members are urged to contact Paul Howard to volunteer as booth staffers.

Here's some reference material on this topic:

Computer fraudster  
Details of Next Meeting: August 21st, 2004
3rd Saturday

Internet Scams,
Frauds & Fakes
and How to Avoid Them


August 21, 2004 WACUG Meeting
Note: Meeting at Fairfax County Government Center - 3rd Saturday !!

Phishing Bob to the Rescue !!

Internet Scams,Frauds & Fakes
and How to Avoid Them

WACUG member Bob Mason will discuss a range of nefarious Internet internet practices and how you can avoid them. See examples of the techniques the villains use to separate the computer user from their bank account. Read your email with confidence, as Bob explains how to avoid the scams and tricks that abound.

Digital Image Suite box
Details of Next Meeting: July 17th, 2004
3rd Saturday - Meeting at Micro Center,
Pan Am Shopping Center, Fairfax

Microsoft's Digital Image Suite
Slide Scanning

July 17, 2004 WACUG Meeting

Note: Meeting at Micro Center, Pan Am Shopping Center, Fairfax - 3rd Saturday !!

Directions to Micro Center

July Meeting:

Come Early

Microsoft's Digital Image Suite
Slide Scanning

WACUG members Margie and Robert Lawrence will discuss their use of Microsoft's Digital Image Suite and their results in scanning slides.

WAC's meeting will take place in the training area on the east side of the store. Go thru the double wood & glass doors at the front of the store adjacent to the checkout and customer service areas. Proceed down the corridor, turn right, and proceed approximately 100 feet to the meeting room on the left. Alternatively, go to the rear of the store, down the corridor to the rest rooms and corridor on the left. Turn left at the next corridor, and make a right into the meeting room, approx. 40 feet on the right.

Details of Next Meeting: June 19th, 2004
3rd Saturday - Meeting at Government Center

Computer Clinic


Simultaneous Learning Sessions

June 19 WACUG Meeting

Note: Meeting at Fairfax County Government Center - 3rd Saturday !!

June Meeting:

Sick Computer

Computer Clinic:
Help with Hardware, Software

WACUG's June meeting will feature our computer clinic. You must call in advance to discuss your computer's symptoms, or advise what hardware or software you'd like help installing or troubleshooting. You must bring complete system: CPU, monitor, keyboard, mouse.

Computer Clinic ground rules.

Simultaneous Learning Session
The "Backing Up Your Hard Drive" CD presentation from User Group Resources will introduce you to the many backup approaches that are being used and show you the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. It will also examine the latest hardware available to make backing up your main hard drive much easier, including the many new external hard drives that are on the market.

After training with the CD, you should be able to pick a backup plan that is just right for your computer system. Also included are detailed examples of how to do the various backup approaches using live examples using Drive Image v7, Drive Image 2002, and DataKeeper v5. Following the examples in this CD, you will be able to set up your computer system to take regular backups with little effort on your part.

Backing up your hard drive is perhaps the most important thing you should do with your computer system and this CD will train you to do this important task very well.

[Rainbow Rule]

Simultaneous Learning Session
Videos from Microsoft on Tablet PC, Microsoft Office 2003, and other topics.

Details of Next Meeting: May 22nd, 2004
4th Saturday - Meeting at Government Center
Note change from normal schedule
Presentations This Month !!

Office 2003
Introduction / Word / PowerPoint


May 22 WACUG Meeting

Note: Meeting at Fairfax County Government Center - 4th Saturday !!

May Meeting:

Office 2003:
Introduction / Word / PowerPoint

May's meeting will feature a discussion and demonstration by member Kathy Perrin about MicroSoft's Office 2003 suite of programs. Kathy will provide an overview of the suite, and details of the Word word processing and PowerPoint presentation products

Details of Next Meeting: February 21st, 2004
3rd Saturday - Meeting at Government Center
Two Presentations This Month !!

Hard Drive Organization
and Back Up Strategies

Smart Computing Magazine
and Web Site

February 21st WACUG Meeting

Note: Meeting at Fairfax County Government Center - 3rd Saturday !!

February Meeting Features Two Topics:

Hard Drive Organization
and Back Up Strategies

Smart Computing Magazine
& Web Site

Chuck Roberts will discuss Hard Drive Organization and Back Up Strategies. How do you organize your hard drive for back up efficiency and for moving data from your old machine to a new one? Chuck will talk about building an external hard drive that can be used to backup multiple computers. Use of tools such as PowerQuest's Drive Image.

Paul Howard will narrate a PowerPoint and Internet presentation about Smart Computer Magazine and their web site, which contains 19,000 articles from the computer publications of Sandhills Publishing. This presentation is part of the "Presentation in a Box" program, provided through our membership in APCUG, the Association of Personal Computer User Groups. Each attendee will receive a copy of Smart Computing magazine. Members of WACUG will be eligible for a number of door prizes, including a year's subscription. Special subscription incentives will be available for WACUG members and friends.

Details of Next Meeting: January 24th, 2004
4th Saturday - Meeting at Government Center
Two Presentations This Month !!
Looking Up Your Family Tree:
Computer Genealogy

Hard Drive Organization and Back Up Strategies

January 24th WACUG Meeting

Note: Meeting at Fairfax County Government Center - 4th Saturday !!

January Meeting Features Two Topics:
Computer Tools for Genealogy
Hard Drive Organization and Back Up Strategies

WACUG's Chuck Roberts will demonstrate and discuss Computer Tools for Genealogy. Here's Chuck's synopsis of his presentation:

One interesting aspect of tracing the family tree is that one collects lots of sheets of paper. For example, how many copies of a census record are needed? When following a family group, one begins with the earliest mention in the census rolls. Your primary interest may be someone farther down the tree, but you grasp at each census record you can find and then you continue to collect additional bits and pieces of facts. All these records are on additional pieces of paper and how do we file them? With which surname should the record be kept? How about additional copies for the later family groups?

This is where a unique filing system can come to the rescue. This is one of the primary components of my presentation. I will show many other tools I have created and used in my research as well as some other tools and utilities I have found on the Internet for use in documenting your family tree.

Time lines, and other tools, logs and accessories will also be shown and will be available on the Disk Of the Month (DOM). One very interesting tool is the Census Tracker. Built on an Excel spreadsheet, it enables the researcher to enter information from specific census rolls onto a single sheet for reference. Very cool. And another MS Office alternative will be on the DOM that has been certified to work with the Census Tracker so it is Excel compatible.

When genealogists exchange file information, a Gedcom file format is used. The Disk Of the Month will include a free utility that will add a signature to your Gedcom files so that you maintain credit for the files you submit.

Some other applications will also be introduced that are helpful to genealogy and paper reporting.

During our 2nd presentation session, Chuck Roberts will discuss Hard Drive Organization and Back Up Strategies. How do you organize your hard drive for back up efficiency and for moving data from your old machine to a new one? Build an external hard drive that can be used to backup multiple computers. Use of tools such as PowerQuest's Drive Image.

December 13th WACUG Meeting

Special Meeting Location: St Andrew Luthern Church,
14640 Soucy Place, Centreville, VA

Sick Computer

Computer Clinic:
Help with Hardware, Software

WACUG's December meeting will feature our computer clinic. You must call in advance to discuss your computer's symptoms, or advise what hardware or software you'd like help installing or troubleshooting. You must bring complete system: CPU, monitor, keyboard, mouse.

Computer Clinic ground rules.

WAC is a general interest computer user group that supports a variety of operating systems, including Microsoft Windows and GNU/Linux. For more information, call the WAC AnswerLine at (703) 370-7649.

Simultaneous Learning Session
The "Backing Up Your Hard Drive" CD presentation from User Group Resources will introduce you to the many backup approaches that are being used and show you the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. It will also examine the latest hardware available to make backing up your main hard drive much easier, including the many new external hard drives that are on the market.

After training with the CD, you should be able to pick a backup plan that is just right for your computer system. Also included are detailed examples of how to do the various backup approaches using live examples using Drive Image v7, Drive Image 2002, and DataKeeper v5. Following the examples in this CD, you will be able to set up your computer system to take regular backups with little effort on your part.

Backing up your hard drive is perhaps the most important thing you should do with your computer system and this CD will train you to do this important task very well.

[Rainbow Rule]
November 15th, 2003 WACUG Meeting
Verizon Online
1880 Campus Commons Drive, Reston
Freeware / Shareware Demonstration
Jim Brueggeman and Chuck Roberts will demonstrate shareware and freeware programs from recent WACUG 'CD of the Month' offerings. Disks are available at meetings for a modest donation.

WAC is a general interest computer user group that supports a variety of operating systems, including Microsoft Windows and GNU/Linux. For more information, call the WAC AnswerLine at (703) 370-7649.

The group's Board of Directors meets at a pizza restaurant in Kamp Washington immediately following the regular meeting, when the general meeting is held at the Fairfax County Government Center. Verify the Board meeting location during the general meeting. Members are always welcome to attend. (Restaurant check is shared equally among attendees.)

September 20th, 2003 WACUG Meeting
Verizon Online
1880 Campus Commons Drive, Reston
LINUX / GNU Installation
Geof Goodrum will assist a WAC member to install a GNU/Linux distribution on her PC at the October general meeting. The presentation will include how to partition a hard drive for GNU/Linux and how to configure a PC to let the user select GNU/Linux or another operating system at boot time.

September 20th, 2003 WACUG Meeting
Meeting Cancelled - Blame Isabel
Power and water outages at the Fairfax County Government Center will prevent our September meeting from being held.

Meetings for the remainder of the year will be held at a different venue (Verizon Online, Reston.)

WAC is a general interest computer user group that supports a variety of operating systems, including Microsoft Windows and GNU/Linux. For more information, call the WAC AnswerLine at (703) 370-7649.

Future Meetings
Plans for October's meeting include a discussion of LINUX.

The group's Board of Directors meets at a pizza restaurant in Kamp Washington immediately following the regular meeting, when the general meeting is held at the Fairfax County Government Center. Verify the Board meeting location during the general meeting. Members are always welcome to attend. (Restaurant check is shared equally among attendees.)

August 16th, 2003 WACUG Meeting
Wireless Router

Wireless Networking

The Washington Area Computer User Group's (WAC) August meeting topic will be "Setting Up a Wireless Network." Wireless networks make it easy to share an Internet connection with PCs and game consoles throughout a house or business, but most are configured incorrectly or with little regard to the risks. This meeting will include a demonstration and discussion of wireless network setup, covering equipment options, network security, and how to find and use free community access points.

The meeting is scheduled for Saturday, August 16, from 12:30 PM to 3:30 PM in conference rooms 2 and 3 of the Fairfax County Government Center, 12000 Government Center Parkway, Fairfax, Virginia. The meeting is free and open to the public. No preregistration is required.

Here's some reference material on this topic:

WAC is a general interest computer user group that supports a variety of operating systems, including Microsoft Windows and GNU/Linux. For more information, call the WAC AnswerLine at (703) 370-7649.

Future Meetings
September will feature a demonstration and discussion of personal computer hardware.

July 19th, 2003 WACUG Meeting
CD-ROM Back Me Up

Backup and Protect Your System

The Washington Area Computer User Group's (WAC) July meeting topic will be "Backup and Protect Your System." This meeting will feature discussions and demonstrations of system backup hardware and software, Uninterruptible Power Sources (UPS), and software for detection and removal of spyware and computer viruses.

Your participation is encouraged! If you would like to demonstrate a product, contact WAC President Kathy Perrin before the meeting.

Tape Drive
WAC is a general interest computer user group that supports a variety of operating systems, including Microsoft Windows and GNU/Linux. For more information, call the WAC AnswerLine at (703) 370-7649.

June 21st WACUG Meeting
Computercide Sick Computer

Computer Clinic:
Help with Hardware, Software

WACUG's June meeting will feature our computer clinic. You must call in advance to discuss your computer's symptoms, or advise what hardware or software you'd like help installing or troubleshooting. You must bring complete system: CPU, monitor, keyboard, mouse.

Computer Clinic groundrules.

WAC is a general interest computer user group that supports a variety of operating systems, including Microsoft Windows and GNU/Linux. For more information, call the WAC AnswerLine at (703) 370-7649.

The group's Board of Directors meets at a pizza restaurant in Kamp Washington immediately following the regular meeting, when the general meeting is held at the Fairfax County Government Center. Verify the Board meeting location during the general meeting. Members are always welcome to attend. (Restaurant check is shared equally among attendees.)

April 19th WACUG Meeting

Personal Finance Using Your PC

WACUG's April meeting will feature a demonstration and discussion of the use of a personal computer in managing your finances, using Quicken software and capabilities available through various financial providers via the internet. Bill Walsh will be the principal presenter.

WAC is a general interest computer user group that supports a variety of operating systems, including Microsoft Windows and GNU/Linux. For more information, call the WAC AnswerLine at (703) 370-7649.

March 23rd, 2002

An Introduction to Electronic Books
Saturday, March 23rd

click for ebook vendor

Members of the Washington Area Computer User Group (WAC) will discuss and demonstrate books and periodicals formatted for use on computers and handheld devices. But can they replace a paperback? The meeting is scheduled for 12:30 to 4:00 PM on Saturday, March 23, in conference room 8 of the Fairfax County Government Center, 12000 Government Center Parkway, Fairfax, Virginia. WAC meetings are free and open to the public.

The group's Board of Directors meets at the Kamp Washington Pizza Hut immediately following the regular meeting, when the general meeting is held at the Fairfax County Government Center. Verify the Board meeting location during the general meeting. Members are always welcome to attend. (Restaurant check is shared equally among attendees.)
April 13, 2002
Cut up your credit cards! Lock away the women and children!
Just when you've completed the 12 Step Program to wean you from eBay
and other auction sites, WAC presents:

An Introduction to Comparison Shopping Online
Saturday, April 13th
Special Date : 1 week early - 12:30 - 4:00 PM


Members of the Washington Area Computer User Group (WAC) will discuss and demonstrate Internet shopping sites for books, computer hardware and software, techie toys, and other necessities of modern life. We will have a live online demonstrations of web sites that provide price comparisons, product reviews, and vendor ratings for books, music, electronics, and other items. WAC members who have experience shopping online are encouraged to participate! The meeting is scheduled for 12:30 to 4:00 PM on Saturday, April 13th, in conference room 2-3 of the Fairfax County Government Center, 12000 Government Center Parkway, Fairfax, Virginia. WAC meetings are free and open to the public.

May 18th, 2002
Gee, Honey, of course we need it!
This new PDA can double as a spare remote control.
and $450 is a bargain:

An Introduction to Geek Toys: PDA
Saturday, May 18th
Special Location

 The May meeting of the Washington Area Computer User Group (WAC) will feature Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) and handheld computers. One of the devices we will demonstrate is the new Sharp Zaurus SL-5500, a powerful handheld computer that includes a built-in keyboard, a bright color display, network and multimedia support (including an MP3 player). It may be the first handheld based upon the GNU/Linux operating system that can challenge the Palm and Pocket PC systems. If you have a PDA or handheld computer, we encourage you to bring it to the meeting so that others may benefit from your experience.

The meeting is scheduled for 12:30 to 3:30 PM on Saturday, May 18, at St. Andrew Lutheran Church, 14640 Soucy Place, Centreville, Virginia. WAC meetings are free and open to the public.

WAC is a general interest computer user group that supports a variety of operating systems, including Microsoft Windows and GNU/Linux. For more information, call the WAC AnswerLine at (703) 370-7649.

July 20th, 2002
Always stumbled around with a compass and a map?
Scouting was never like this!
Find your way with WACUG!

GPS Systems and Your Computer
Saturday, July 20th

The July meeting of the Washington Area Computer User Group (WAC) will feature members Bill Walsh and Len Bacon talking about Global Positioning System add-ons for personal computers.

Now you can find your way, even if you can't read a map, because - these geek toys talk to you !!

WAC is a general interest computer user group that supports a variety of operating systems, including Microsoft Windows and GNU/Linux. For more information, call the WAC AnswerLine at (703) 370-7649.

Future Meetings
August 17th - Web Browser Plugins You Can't Be Without
September 21st - Introducing Adobe Photoshop 7

The group's Board of Directors meets at the Kamp Washington Pizza Hut immediately following the regular meeting, when the general meeting is held at the Fairfax County Government Center. Verify the Board meeting location during the general meeting. Members are always welcome to attend. (Restaurant check is shared equally among attendees.)
August 17th, 2002

Saturday, August 17th

Microsoft includes many add-ins and utilities with it's Windows operating systems. However, there never seems to be quite enough to do all of the things your computer is capable of. If your operating system was installed with the "standard" set of applications and add-ins, you are missing many programs and built-in utilities that can make your time on the system more productive and produce superior results. In addition, there are scads of "second-party" utilities available (and mostly free) that will allow you to get the maximum enjoyment from your system and keep it running in tip-top shape. We will show you how to access and install these utilities and explain the benefits you gain from their use.


At our August, 2002 meeting, we will award a very special door prize to a lucky WACUG member. The prize will be WACUG's previous notebook computer as described below:

Zenon Model J75-9602
Pentium 133MHz CPU
48Mb RAM
1.0 Gig Hard Drive
16x CD-ROM Drive
1.44M Floppy Drive
800x600 Pixel LCD Display
Built-In Sound and Speakers
2 PCMCIA Slots
IR Port
All Standard Other Ports
GlidePoint Mouse
Carrying Case
Windows 95 OSR/2b Installed

Remember, you must be a paid-up member to be eligible for this door prize. If you are not a member, you may sign up at the beginning of the meeting and become eligible for the drawing. Good Luck!

September 21st, 2002
Ready for the total computer imaging solution?

Adobe Photoshop 7: How I Use It
Saturday, September 21st, 2002

WACUG President Kathy Perrin will demonstrate and discuss Adobe Photoshop, acknowledged by many to be the premier imaging software on the market today.

Adobe Photoshop is widely recognized as the leading commercial image editing software for photo manipulation, publishing and web design on Apple Macintosh and Microsoft Windows systems. If you are serious about digital photo publishing or just want to know how certain image effects are achieved, you don't want to miss this meeting! More information about the Adobe Photoshop is available at

November 16th, 2002 - Postponed from original October date

Bob Mason

Digital Music: MIDI Music files
Saturday, November 16th, 2002

Bob Mason, WACUG's PC Disk of the Month Librarian, will demonstrate how to compose, record, and play back MIDI music files with the use of a portable music keyboard connected to a computer.

Playback directly from the computer sound card vs. through a true musical instrument will be demonstrated and compared. If you are a budding digital musician, or play one on TV, this is the meeting you won't want to miss!

December 14th WACUG Meeting

PC Clinic - Help from WAC Experts
Call Info Line (703-370-7649) with hardware
and software details before bringing computer to clinic.

Simultaneous Learning Session
Understanding Your Hard Drive
Upgrading Your Hard Drive
Organizing Your Hard Drive
Managing Your Operating System
Moving to a New Hard Drive
Backing Up Your Hard Drive
Securing Your Hard Drive

with Door Prizes for WACUG members:
From Power Quest:
Drive Image 2002; Partition Magic 7.0
From User Group Relations:
Copies of the "Understanding Your Hard Drive" presentation

WAC is a general interest computer user group that supports a variety of operating systems, including Microsoft Windows and GNU/Linux. For more information, call the WAC AnswerLine at (703) 370-7649.

Future Meetings
January 18th - External PC Storage Devices
February 15th - Basic Digital Photography and PC image editing / cataloging tools
March 15th - Personal Financial Management Using Your Computer

January 18th WACUG Meeting
Special Meeting Location:
Verizon Online, 1880 Campus Commons Drive, Reston

Special Security Access Requirements:
RSVP your attendance to: by 5 PM, January 16th.

External PC Storage Devices

WACUG's January meeting will feature demonstrations and discussions of a variety of external computer storage devices, including ZIP removable cartridge drives, USB micro drives (some dangle on your key chain!), and USB media card readers. Did Santa bring you something that fits in this category? Bring it to the meeting and introduce it to your WACUG colleagues !!

WAC is a general interest computer user group that supports a variety of operating systems, including Microsoft Windows and GNU/Linux. For more information, call the WAC AnswerLine at (703) 370-7649.

Future Meetings
February 15th - Basic Digital Photography and PC image editing / cataloging tools
March 15th - Personal Financial Management Using Your Computer